The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


Numbers in bold indicate main entries.


Aaron 50–51, 53 , 244
Aberg, Maria 182
Abraham, F. Murray 130
Achilles 208–13
Ackroyd, Peter 225
Adam 180, 187
Adès, Thomas 328
Admiral’s Men 22
Adonis 74–77
Adriana 70–73
Aeneas 212
Agamemnon 208–09, 212
Agincourt, Battle of 18, 149, 153, 166,
167 , 168, 169
Agrippa, Cornelius 320
Aguecheek, Sir Andrew 200–01, 203–04
Ajax 208–10, 212
Alagna, Roberto 248
Albany, Duke of 252–53, 258
Alcibiades 262, 263, 265
Aldridge, Ira 52, 244, 245
Alexander, Bill 144
All is True see Henry VIII
Allam, Roger 138
All’s Well That Ends Well 17, 19, 230,
Alonso, King of Naples 326–29, 331
Amiens 180, 184
Amin, Idi 175
Andersen, Hans Christian 328
Andromache 208, 212
Angelo 234–39
Anne, Lady 56–57, 59–61
Anne of Denmark, Queen 22
Antenor 209, 212
Antigonus 310–11, 313
Antioch 296–99
Antiochus, King of Antioch 296–97
Antipholus of Ephesus 70–73
Antipholus of Syracuse 70–73
The Merchant of Venice 126–31
Much Ado About Nothing 156, 161
The Tempest 326–39, 331
Twelfth Night 200–21, 205

Antony, Mark
Antony and Cleopatra 278–85
Julius Caesar 18, 172–77
Antony and Cleopatra 18, 230, 276–85,
Apemantus 262–65
Apollonius of Tyre (Gower) 72
The Arabian Nights 34
Aragon, Prince of 126–27
Aravind, Ramesh 72
Arcite 340–43
Arden, forest of 115, 182, 183, 184, 185
Arden, Mary 12, 184
Ardennes 182, 184, 185, 313
Ariel 326–31
Ariosto, Ludovico, Orlando Furioso 158
Aristophanes 264
Armado, Don Adriano de 88–91
Armagnac, Earl of 45
Arthur, Duke of Brittany 120–23
Artois, Robert, Comte de 64
Arviragus (Cadwal) 318–19, 321–3
As You Like It 12, 17, 91, 178–87, 259,
312, 314, 321
Ashcroft, Peggy 39, 247
Athens see Greece, ancient
Auden, W. H. 219, 223
Audrey 180, 186
Aufidius 302–03
Augustus, Emperor see Octavius Caesar
Aumerle, Duke of 94–95, 98
Austria, Duke of 120
Autolycus 310–12, 314
Auvergne, Countess of 47


Bacon, Francis 330
Bagot 94–96
Balthasar 126–27
Bandello, Matteo, Novelle 158
Banquo 268–69, 271, 273–75
Baptista Minola 32
Barber, Samuel 280
Henry IV Part 2 148, 152
Henry V 164–66, 168
The Merry Wives of Windsor 142
Barnet, Battle of 43

Barry, Spranger 104
Bartlett, Keith 46
Barton, John 38, 39, 58, 236
Bassett, Linda 299
Bassiano 126–27, 130–31
Bassianus 50–51, 52
Beale, Simon Russell 150, 161, 254, 265,
Beatrice 19, 156–61
Beaufort, Cardinal 36–37
Beckett, Samuel 254
Beckinsale, Kate 159
Bedford, Duke of 44
Belarius 318–19, 321, 322
Belch, Sir Toby 200–01, 203–05
Belleforest, François de,
Histories Tragiques 192
Benedick 16, 19, 156–61
Benjamin, Christopher 145
Benson, Frank 46, 166
Benson, John 222
Benvolio 102, 106
Bergner, Elisabeth 187
Berlin Wall 39
Berlioz, Hector 158
Bernstein, Leonard 104, 109
Bertram, Count of Roussillon 288–93
Betterton, Thomas 114, 150
Bhardwaj, Vishal 270
Othello 242–43, 248
The Taming of the Shrew 32–35
Bieito, Calixto 43
Bigot 121, 123
Biron 88–91
Bishop’s Ban 85
Blackfriars Theatre 231, 342
Blackwood, Gary 290
Blanche of Spain, Lady 120
Blanchett, Cate 96, 99
Boas, Frederick 213
Boccaccio, Giovanni
De Casibus Virorum Illustrum 98–99
Decameron 28, 290, 320
Teseida 342
Bogdanov, Michael 38, 46, 166, 304
Bohemia 310–15
Bokassa, Jean-Bédel 175
Boleyn, Anne 226–27, 334–37
Bolingbroke, Henry see Henry IV, King
Bona, Lady 40–41
Booth, Edwin 246


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