The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


Donne, John 217
Doran, Gregory 175
Dorset, Earl of 56, 58
Dougall, John 195
Drake, Sir Francis 84
Dromio of Ephesus 70–73
Dromio of Syracuse 70–73
Dryden, John 210, 222, 328
Dudley, Robert 328
Dull 88–90
Dumaine 88–89, 91
Dumas, Alexandre 194
Duncan, King of Scotland 81, 268–75
Dyce, William 256


Edgar 252–53, 257, 258
Edmond 18, 123, 252–53, 255–58
Edward III 19, 23, 62–67
Edward III, King 64–67
Edward IV, King 40–43, 56–58, 60
Edward V, King 41, 43, 56–57, 60
Edward VII, King 144
Edward, the Black Prince 64–67
Edward, Prince 40–41, 43
Edzard, Christine 187
Egeon 70–73
Egeus 112, 115, 117
Egg, Augustus Leopold 314
Eglamour 26–27
Egypt 278–85, 313
Eleanor, Queen (Eleanor of Aquitaine)
120, 123
Eliot, T. S. 192, 280
Elizabeth I, Queen 14, 17, 23, 42, 84, 85,
88, 96–97, 98, 105, 114, 144, 174, 225,
226, 230, 335
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 158, 231
Elizabeth of York, Queen 56–61
Ellington, Duke 264
Elliot, Michael 182
Elsinore castle 190–97
Elyot, Sir Thomas, The Governor 28
Emeruwa, Ladi 195
Comedy of Errors 70–71, 73
Othello 242–45, 248, 249
The Two Noble Kinsmen 340–43
Enobarbus 278–79, 280, 281–82
Ephesus 70–73, 296–99
Equivoci, Gli (opera) 72
Escalus (aide to Duke of Vienna) 234, 236
Escalus, Prince of Verona 102–03, 109
Essex, Earl of 23, 85, 96, 98, 225

Evans, Edith 187
Evans, Sir Hugh 142–43, 145
Ewardes, Richard 28
Exton, Sir Piers 94–95, 98, 99
Eyre, Richard 58


Fabyan, Robert 46
Fairbanks, Douglas 34
Falconbridge, Robert 120
Falstaff, Sir John 17, 19, 84, 164, 169, 293
Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 134–93, 144,
Henry V 144
The Merry Wives of Windsor 142–45
The Famous Victories of Henry V 136, 150
Faucit, Helen 320
Fawkes, Guy 231, 265
Fearon, Ray 175
Feeble 152
Feinstein, Elaine, Lear’s Daughters 254
Fenton, Master 142–43, 145
Ferdinand 326–9
Ferdinand, King of Navarre 88–91
Feste 200, 202–04
Field, Richard 76, 80
Field of the Cloth of Gold 337
Fiennes, Ralph 304
Filario 318, 320, 322
Fiorentino, Giovanni, Il Pecorone 128
First Folio 14, 38, 66, 144, 219, 298, 342
Fitzwater, Lord 94, 98
Flavius 262–65
Fleance 268–69
Fletcher, John 18, 34, 144, 231, 336,
337, 342
Florence 288–89
Florizel 310–11, 314–15
Fluellen 164–65, 169
Foley, Daniel 342
Fool, King Lear 252–53, 254, 256, 258, 259
Ford, Master Frank 142–43
Ford, Mistress Alice 142–43, 145
Fortinbras, Prince 190–91, 192, 197
Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments 336
France, King of 288–89, 291–93
France, Princess of 88–91
Francis, Friar 156–57
Frederick V, King of Bohemia 231
Frederick, Duke 180–83, 187
Frederick, Naomi 239
Freshwater, Geoffrey 257
Froissart, Jean, Chronicles 66
Fry, Stephen 204


Ganymede 180–81, 185–86
Garai, Romola 187
Gardiner, Stephen 334–35
Garrick, David 104, 192, 336
Gascoigne, George 34
Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany 123
Geoffrey of Monmouth 254
George IV, King 150
Gertrude, Queen of Denmark 16,
190–92, 194–96
Gesta Romanorum (anon.) 52
ghetto, Venice 128
Giacomo 318–22, 323
Gielgud, John 96, 104, 175, 202, 328
Globe Theatre 15, 17, 18, 85, 98, 231, 336
Gloucester, Earl of 252–53, 255–59
Gloucester, Eleanor Cobham, Duchess
of 36–37, 39
Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of
Henry IV Part 2 148
Henry VI Parts 2 and 3 36–37, 39, 44–47
Gloucester, Richard, Duke of see
Richard III, King
Glyndwr, Owain 134–35, 137
Goetz, Hermann 34
Golding, Arthur 74, 77
Goneril 252–59
Gonzalo 326, 328, 331
Gounod, Charles, Roméo et Juliette 109
Gower, John 72, 296–97, 298
Grammaticus, Saxo, “Amleth” 192
Granville-Barker, Harley 114, 202, 312
Gray, Lady 40–41
Graziano 126–27
Greece, ancient
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
112–17, 313
Pericles 296–99
Timon of Athens 262–65
Troilus and Cressida 208–13
The Two Noble Kinsmen 340–43
Venus and Adonis 74–77
Greene, Robert 15, 22, 42, 52, 312
Gremio 32–34
Grey, Earl 56, 58
Grosart, A B 225
Gross, John 128
Guare, John 28
Guiderius (Polydore) 318–23
Guildenstern 190–91, 195, 196
Gunpowder Plot 230, 230–31, 265, 322
Guthrie, Tyrone 128
Gwilym, Mike 298


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