The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


Philippe VI, King of France 67
Philippi, Battle of 173, 176, 177
Phoebe 180–81, 185–86
“The Phoenix and Turtle” 19, 225
Pickford, Mary 34
Piercy, Ellie 290
Pisanio 318–19, 321–22
Pistol, Ensign
Henry IV Part 2 148–50, 152, 293
Henry V 164–65, 168–69
The Merry Wives of Windsor 142–44
Plantagenet, George see Clarence,
George, Duke of
Plantagenet, Richard see Philip the
Bastard; Richard III; York, Richard,
3rd Duke of
Plato 264
Platter, Thomas (the Younger) 174
Plautus 72
Plummer, Christopher 312
Plutarch 174, 264, 280, 282 , 304, 307,
Poel, William 202
Poins, Ned
Henry IV Part 1 134
Henry IV Part 2 148, 151–52
Poitiers, Battle of 66
Polixenes 310–12, 314–15
Polonius 190–91, 195, 196
Pompey, Sextus 278–79
Pope, Alexander 222
Porter, Cole 34
Julius Caesar 16, 172, 176–77
The Merchant of Venice 126–31
Posthumus Leonatus 318–21
Pralipe 104
Presgurvic, Gérard 109
Priam, King of Troy 208–13
Primaudaye, Pierre de la 90
The Prince of the Pagodas (ballet) 254
Pritchard, Hannah 187, 202
Prokofiev, Sergei 104, 109
Prospero 18, 326–31
Protestantism 22, 23, 105, 223, 226,
230–31, 322, 335, 337
Proteus 26–29
Puck 112–13, 116, 117
Purcell, Henry 114, 116
puritanism 136, 137, 203, 205
Pyper, Laura 210
quatrains 216
Queen (wife of Cymbeline) 318–19, 322
Quickly, Mistress Nell
Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 134, 148–49
Henry V 164–65, 169
The Merry Wives of Windsor 142–45
Quintus 50–51, 52


Nashe, Thomas 46, 84, 313
Nathaniel, Sir 88–89, 91
Navarre 88–91
Nazi Germany 129, 304, 307
Nerissa 126–27, 130–31
Nestor 208, 212
New Place (Stratford) 84
Newark Castle (Nottinghamshire)
Nigro, Don 290
Henry V 164, 168
The Merry Wives of Windsor 142–43,
164, 168
Ninagawa, Yukio 298, 323
Noh theater 73
Norfolk, Duke of
Henry VIII 334–36
Richard II 94, 96, 98
North, Sir Thomas 174, 280, 281–82,
304, 307
Northumberland, Percy, Earl of
Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 134, 136–37,
Richard II 94, 98
Nunn, Trevor 72, 136, 202, 336
Nurse, Juliet’s 19, 102, 106, 107
Nuttall, A D 210
Nyewood House (East Sussex) 91


Oberon 18, 112–13, 115, 117
Obey, André, Le Viol de Lucrèce 78, 81
Octavia 278–79, 283
Octavius Caesar
Antony and Cleopatra 278–81, 283,
Julius Caesar 172–74, 177
O’Donnell, Hugh 23
Oldcastle, Sir John 137
Oliver 180–81, 186
Olivia, Countess 200–01, 203, 205
Olivier, Laurence 58, 59, 104, 128, 150,
166, 192, 202, 271, 281, 304
O’Neill, Hugh 23
Ophelia 190–97, 342
Orlando 180–87
Orsino, Duke of Illyria 200–05
O’Sullivan, Camille 79

Othello 17, 53, 129, 137, 230, 240–49,
312, 315
Othello 242–49, 312, 315, 320
Otway, Thomas 104
Amores 76
The Book of Days 78, 81
Metamorphoses 51, 52, 74, 76–77,
105, 114, 328


Pacino, Al 128
Padua 32–35
Page, Anne 142–43, 145, 217
Page, Master George 142–43
Page, Mistress Margaret 142–43,
Page, William 142, 146
Painter, William 66, 264, 290
Palamon 340–43
Palma Giovane 80
Pandarus 208–09, 211
Pandolf, Cardinal 120–22
Romeo and Juliet 102–03
Troilus and Cressida 208–13
Paris, Siege of 47
Parker, Jamie 138
Paroles 19, 288–89, 292, 293
The Passionate Pilgrim 218
Patroclus 208, 212
Paul, St. 73
Paulina 310–11, 315
Peasant’s Revolt 39
Peele, George 15, 52
Pembroke, Earl of 120–21, 123
Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of 219
Pepys, Samuel 114
Percy, Henry (Hotspur) 148, 152
Henry IV Part 1 134–39
Richard II 94, 98
Percy, Lady 148
Perdita 299, 310–15
Pericles, Prince of Tyre 18, 230, 231,
294–99, 314
Pericles 296–99
Perkes o’th’Hill, Clement 152
Petrarch, Francesco 108, 216, 217
Petruccio 32–35
Phaethon 96, 97, 98
Philip II, King of France 120, 122
Philip II, King of Spain 23
Philip the Bastard 120–22, 123
Philippa, Queen 64–65, 67


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