The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1



Radford, Michael 128
Raleigh, Sir Walter 331
Ran (film) 254
The Rape of Lucrece 14, 19, 23, 76, 77,
78–81, 218, 222, 224
Redgrave, Vanessa 182, 187
Reformation 22, 23, 42, 105, 223, 226,
322, 335, 337
Regan 252–54, 256–58
Reinhard, Max 114, 116
religious verse 217, 223
Renaissance 136, 139, 315
Rialto Bridge (Venice) 23
Rich, Barnabe 202
Richard I, King 120, 123
Richard II 17, 84, 85, 92–99, 122, 169
Richard II, King 45, 94–99, 122, 134,
136, 139, 152, 153
Richard III 23, 38, 39, 43, 54–61, 84, 99,
169, 245
Richard III, King 17, 40–43, 56–61, 270
Richmond, Henry, Earl of see Henry VII
Rivers, Earl 56, 58
Roanoke, Virginia 331
Robeson, Paul 244, 247
Robson, Flora 236
Roderigo 242–46
Rodgers, Richard 72
Antony and Cleopatra 278–85
Coriolanus 302–07
Cymbeline 318–23
Julius Caesar 172–77, 313
The Rape of Lucrece 78–81
Titus Andronicus 50–53
Romeo 17, 102–09, 116, 195, 217, 218,
280, 321
Romeo and Juliet 17, 18, 19, 77, 84, 91,
100–09, 217, 218, 291
Rosalind 180–87
Rosaline 88–89, 91
Rose Theatre 22, 46
Rosencrantz 190–91, 195, 196
Ross, Lord 94, 98
Rossini, Gioachino, Otello 244
Rothe, Anthony 342
Rous, John 61
Roussillon, Countess of 288–90
Roxburgh Castle, Siege of 64, 66
Rumour 148, 152
Rutland, Earl of 40–43
Rylance, Mark 204, 280, 285
Rymer, Thomas 249


Saed-e-Havas (film) 122
St. Albans, Battle of 39, 40
Salieri, Antonio 144
Salisbury, Countess of 64–67
Salisbury, Earl of
Edward III 64–67
Henry VI Part 1 44
Henry VI Part 2 36–37, 39
The Life and Death of King John
120–21, 123
Richard II 94, 98
Salvini, Tommaso 247
Sargent, John Singer 272
Saturnalia 202
Saturnius, Emperor of Rome 50–51
Saxe-Meiningen, Duke of 312
Scofield, Paul 255
Scrope, Richard le 148, 150
Sea Venture (ship) 328, 331
The Tempest 326–29, 331
Twelfth Night 200–21, 203, 205
Seneca 52, 58
Senior, Duke 180–81
seven ages of man 186
sexuality, notions of 205
Shadwell, Thomas 264
Shakespeare, Edmund 12–13
Shakespeare, Hamnet 13, 22
Shakespeare, John 12, 13
Shakespeare, Judith 13, 14, 22
Shakespeare, Mary see Arden, Mary
Shakespeare, Susanna 13, 14
Shakespeare World Festival 298
Shakespeare’s Globe 15, 16
Shakespeare’s Sonnets (1609) 218, 222,
224, 231
Shallow, Justice Robert
Henry IV Part 2 148–49
The Merry Wives of Windsor 142
Shapiro, Mel 28
Shaw, Fiona 96, 99, 187
Shaw, George Bernard 182, 213
Shelton, Thomas 231
Sher, Antony 58, 330
She’s the One (film) 205
Shrewsbury, Battle of 135, 137, 139, 148
Shrewsbury, Earl of 227
Shylock 19, 126–31
Sicily 156–61, 310–15
Sicinius 302–03
Siddons, Sarah 270
Sidney, Sir Philip 217, 184, 258

Silence 148–49
Silvia 26–29
Silvius 180–81, 186
Simonides, King of Pentapolis 296
Sinden, Donald 39
Sir Thomas More 19, 85, 226–27
Sivadier, Jean-François 259
Slender, Master Abraham 142–43, 217
Slinger, Jonathan 293
Sluys, Battle of 64–67
Sly, Christopher 32, 34
Smiley, Jane 254, 259
Smith, Maggie 187
Smithson, Harriet 192
Snout 112, 117
Solinus, Duke of Ephesus 70
Somerset, Duke of 36–37, 44–46
Sondheim, Stephen 104, 109
Songs and Sonnets 217
sonnets 12, 107–08, 214–23, 231
Soothsayer 172, 177
Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, 3rd
Earl of 76, 80, 219, 220, 222
Spacey, Kevin 61
Spanish Armada 23
Speed 26, 28
Spenser, Edmund 85, 114, 184, 224
Squeal, Will 152
Stafford, Sir Humphrey 36–37
Stanley, Lord 56, 58, 60
Star Trek (TV series) 270
Stein, Peter 182, 211
Stephano 326–27, 329
Stephens, Katy 46
Stephens, Toby 307
Stevenson, Juliet 298
Stewart, Patrick 193, 247
Strange, Lord 225
Stratford-upon-Avon 12–13, 84, 230
Stubbs, Imogen 202
Suchet, David 264
Suffolk, Duke of 334–35
Suffolk, William de la Pole, Duke of
36–37, 39, 44–45, 47
Supple, Tim 114
Surrey, Earl of 217, 227
Sycorax 326, 330
Syracuse 70–73


Tairov, Alexander 280
Talbot, Lord 44–47
The Taming of the Shrew 17, 22, 23,
30–35, 161


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