The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


44 This brawl today...
shall send, between
the red rose and the
white, a thousand
souls to death and
deadly night
Henry VI Part 1

48 Why, there they are,
both bakèd in this pie
Titus Andronicus

54 Made glorious summer
by this son of York
Richard III

62 To die is all as common
as to live
Edward III

68 What error drives
our eyes and
ears amiss?
The Comedy of Errors

74 Hunting he loved, but love
he laughed to scorn
Venus and Adonis

78 Who buys a minute’s
mirth to wail a week
The Rape of Lucrece




1589 –

24 In love, who respects
The Two Gentlemen of Verona

30 I know now how to tame
a shrew
The Taming of the Shrew

36 The commons, like
an angry hive of bees
that want their leader,
scatter up and down
Henry VI Part 2

40 I can smile, and murder
whiles I smile
Henry VI Part 3

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