The Sociology Book

(Romina) #1




20 A physical defeat has
never marked the end
of a nation Ibn Khaldun

21 Mankind have always
wandered or settled,
agreed or quarreled,
in troops and companies
Adam Ferguson

22 Science can be used to
build a better world
Auguste Comte

26 The Declaration of
Independence bears
no relation to half the
human race
Harriet Martineau

28 The fall of the bourgeoisie
and the victory of the
proletariat are equally
inevitable Karl Marx



66 I broadly accuse the
bourgeoisie of social
murder Friedrich Engels

68 The problem of the 20th
century is the problem
of the color line
W.E.B. DuBois

74 The poor are excluded
from the ordinary living
patterns, customs, and
activities of life
Peter Townsend

75 There ain’t no black
in the Union Jack
Paul Gilroy

76 A sense of one’s place
Pierre Bourdieu

80 The Orient is the stage
on which the whole East
is confined Edward Said

82 The ghetto is where the
black people live
Elijah Anderson

84 The tools of freedom
become the sources
of indignity
Richard Sennett

88 Men’s interest in
patriarchy is condensed
in hegemonic masculinity
R.W. Connell

32 Gemeinschaft and
Ferdinand Tönnies

34 Society, like the human
body, has interrelated
parts, needs, and
functions Émile Durkheim

38 The iron cage of
rationality Max Weber

46 Many personal troubles
must be understood in
terms of public issues
Charles Wright Mills

50 Pay to the most
commonplace activities
the attention accorded
extraordinary events
Harold Garfinkel

52 Where there is power
there is resistance
Michel Foucault

56 Gender is a kind of
imitation for which
there is no original
Judith Butler



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