which has to do with the passions, for strong emotions arise only
when we fail in our desires and aversions.”
“That’s why the philosophers warn us not to be satisfied with mere
learning, but to add practice and then training. For as time passes
we forget what we learned and end up doing the opposite, and
hold opinions the opposite of what we should.”
We have placed key terms in each level of the chart. There is progress
(prokopê) upward out of deception, false opinion, and error—through
impulse control—to more clear judgments and knowledge (self-coherence);
and there is progress across the levels of training (study/manthanô,
practice/meletaô, hard training/askeô) through the remediation of habit,
acting more appropriately, and improving judgment toward living the
virtues. We offer an annotated glossary of key Stoic terms and passages
following the chart.