Onereasontocreatea
following
isthata
group
isofteneasiertodeceive
thanan
individual,
andturnsoverto
you
thatmuchmore
power.
This
comes,however,
witha
danger:
Ifat
any
momentthe
group
sees
through
you,you
willfind
yourself
facing
notonedeceivedSoulbutan
angry
crowd
thatwilltear
you
to
pieces
as
avidly
asit
oncefollowed
you.
The
Charlatans
constantly
facedthis
danger,
andwere
alwaysready
tomoveoutoftownas
it
inevitably
becameclearthattheirelixirsdidnotworkandtheirideas
weresham.Tooslowand
they
paid
withtheirlives.In
playing
withthe
crowd,
you
are
playing
with
fire,
andmust
constantlykeep
an
eye
outfor
anysparks
of
doubt,
any
enemieswhowillturnthecrowd
againstyou.
When
youplay
with
theemotions
ofa
crowd,
you
have
to
knowhow
to
adapt,attuningyourselfinstantaneously
toallofthemoodsanddesiresthat
a
group
will
produce.
Use
spies,
beon
top
of
everything,
and
keepyour
bagspacked.
Forthisreason
youmay
often
prefer
todealwith
people
one
by
one.
Isolating
themfrom
their
normal
milieu
canhavethesameeffectas
putting
them
in
a
group—it
makesthemmore
prone
to
suggestion
andintimida-
tion.Choosethe
right
suckerandifhe
eventually
sees
throughyou
he
may
prove
easierto
escape
thanacrowd.