f
infront
ofthem
(a
phony
stock,
a.touted
racehorse),
hemadeits
reality
hardtodoubt.
It
is
important,
of
course,
not
to
go
too
far
inthis
area.
Sin~
cexity
isa
tricky
tool:
Appearoverpassionate
and
you
raise
suspicions.
Be
measuredandbelievableor
your
rusewillseemthe
put-on
thatitis.
Tomake
your
false
sincerity
aneffective
weapon
in
concealingyour
intentions,
espouse
abeliefin
honesty
and
fertlirightness
as
important
so-
cialvalues.Do
thisas
publicly
as
possible.Emphasizeyourposition
on
this
subjectbyoccasionallydivulging
someheartfelt
thought-thoughonly
one
thatis
actuallymeaningless
or
irrelevant,
ofcourse.
Napoleon";
minister
Talleyrand
wasamasterat
takingpeople
intohisconfidence
byrevealing
some
apparent
secret.This
feigned
confidence——a
decoy—-would
then
elicitarealconfidenceontheother
person’spart.
Remember:Thebestdeceiversdo
everythingthey
cantocloaktheir
{roguish
qualities.
They
cultivateanairof
honesty
inoneareato
disguise
their
dishonesty
inothers.
Honesty
is
merely
another
decoy
intheirarsenal
of
weapons.
r
5.-