7-12-23 Ledger

(Lowell Ledger) #1
Wednesday, July 12, 2023 page 1

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 vol. 48 issue 42



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page 16

page 7

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pages 8 & 9

continued page 3

By Cliff Yankovich
contributing writer
It is safe to assume
that everyone reading
this will agree that the
streets in Lowell, and
most other communities
in Michigan, are a mess.
Our recent unscientific,
purely speculative, hunch-
based opinion would award
Washington street as the
most pot-holed stretch of
pavement in the City. (My
bet is that some other ones
might be coming to your
mind.) For the sake of
this article, how about we
pretend that Washington
is the worst. Then why the
heck is Monroe getting
a total make-over before
Here are some other
questions we can examine
today: Why is Lowell
borrowing millions of
dollars to fix our roads?
Does the USDA fund road
repairs? What happened
to all the money from
marijuana sales in Lowell?
What is the difference

The Streets of Lowell – USDA loans,

revenue sharing, and marijuana taxes

continued page 2 Big equipment for a big project.

1992 water agreement to

blame for sprinkler restrictions

The Exclusive Service Area for Lowell Charter
Township residents serviced by the city’s water
utility is defined by the red section of the map.

By Justin Tiemeyer
contributing writer
To the chagrin of many
in Lowell, June 5 marked
the beginning of the City
of Lowell and Lowell
Charter Township’s second
odd-even outdoor water
restriction for municipal
customers. Though it is a
recent sore spot for citizens,
the issue at stake and its
possible solutions have been
on the minds of the city
council and township board
for months. Though talk of
a shared water authority and
expansion of the water plant
are ongoing, the specifics
of the current restrictions
trace their roots back to the
“Water Supply Agreement
Between the City of
Lowell and Lowell Charter
Township” that went into
effect over 30 years ago on

By Emma Palova
contributing writer
Can they rekindle
the spark that made them
America’s Sexiest Couple?
It’s a love affair that never
ended, or has it?
The play by Emmy
award-winning writer,
director, and producer,
Ken Levine, will make
your summer even hotter.
Two actors, Susan White
and Craig McAllister, who
were “America’s Sexiest
Couple” on a popular
1990s sitcom Residents
reunite for the first time in
25 years. Craig, the male
part is full of himself.
They face a lifetime
of unresolved issues,
longings, resentments,
and regrets as the network
wants to reboot the show.
Can they rekindle the spark
that made them America’s

America’s Sexiest

Couple heats up the

summer at LowellArts

continued page 4

Sexiest Couple, or was
it all just an act? And
then there is the bellboy
with his intermittent
interruptions of the show
with news from the
hotel’s front desk.
In a career that
spanned over 30 years,
TV comedy legend,
Levine, has worked on
popular shows such as
MASH, Cheers, Frasier,
The Simpsons, Everybody
Loves Raymond, and
The play, directed
by Richard Mulligan and
stage managed by Lilleigh
Christopher, stars Vicki
Kavanaugh as Susan
White, Dave Benson as
Craig McAllister, and

Fat Guy's
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