4000 english words volume 5-ebook (1)

(DIEM PHUONG6u7g5j) #1


Word List

accordingly [akordir)li] adv.
If someone acts accordingly, they act in a way that is suitable.
—► He feels like he did a good job, and his boss should pay him accordingly.

anchor [aeokar] n.
An anchor is a heavy object dropped from a boat to make it stay in one place.
—► When the ship reached its destination, the crew dropped the anchor.

b u o y [bu:i] n.
A buoy is a floating sign that warns boats of dangerous areas.
—► Don’t steer the boat near those buoys. There are rocks underneath the water.

catastrophe [kataestrafi] n.
A catastrophe is an unexpected event that causes great suffering or damage.
-+ It was a catastrophe for my family when my dad lost his job.

Context [kantekst] n.
Context is the situations that form the background of an event.
—► They studied the context of the battle before giving their presentation.

designate [dezigneit] v.
To designate someone or something means to give them a particular description.
—► The famous lighthouse was designated a historical monument.

distort [distdytj v.
To distort something means to lie about it.
—► His lawyer distorted the facts so that he would be set free.

dock [dak] n.
A dock is an enclosed area where ships go to be loaded, unloaded, and repaired.
—► The huge ship pulled into the dock, and the crew unloaded the cargo.

fore [for] n.
The fore of something is the front part of it.
-* The teacher’s desk is at the fore of the classroom.

frequent [frr.kwant] adj.
If something is frequent, then it happens or is done often.
—► While Dad was sick, the doctor made frequent visits to his house.
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