bankrupt [baer)krApt] adj.
If someone is bankrupt, then they are unable to pay their debts.
—► The store had few customers and soon went bankrupt.
conform [kanfoxm] v.
To conform to rules or laws is to obey them.
—► The new student had to conform to the school’s dress code.
employ [impldi] v.
To employ someone means to give work to them.
—► The bookstore employed two full-time clerks.
expel [ikspel] v.
To expel someone means to force them to leave a place.
—► Since he would not follow the rules, the principal had to expel the student.
extension [ikstenfan] n.
An extension is a part added to something to give it more time or space.
—► My parents decided to add an extension to our house for the new baby.
forthcoming [forekAmir]] adj.
If something is forthcoming, then it is about to happen in the future.
-*■ Some economists predicted that the forthcoming world economy would be severe.
furnish [farm/] v.
To furnish means to put furniture in a house or room.
—► Most homes are furnished with tables, chairs, and beds.
hygiene [haidjiin] n.
Hygiene is the conditions or methods needed for health and cleanliness.
-+ People who brush their teeth at least twice a day are practicing good hygiene.
hygienic [haicfeinik] adj.
If something is hygienic, then it is clean and unlikely to cause disease.
-» My sister works very hard to keep her entire home as hygienic as possible.
landlord [laenc/loird] n.
A landlord is a man who rents property to a person.
—► The landlord collected everyone’s rent money on the first day of every month.