4000 english words volume 5-ebook (1)

(DIEM PHUONG6u7g5j) #1

aesthetic [eseetik] adj.

If something is aesthetic, then it is concerned with a love of beauty.
—► The dresses were noteworthy for their aesthetic design.

arrogant [aeragant] adj.

If someone is arrogant, they think that they are more important than others.
—► He is very arrogant. Even though he’s not the boss, he tells everyone what to do.

bias [baias] n.

A bias is a person’s likelihood to like one thing more than another thing.

-* The mothers had a natural bias for their own child’s picture.

C a n y o n [kaenjan] n.
A canyon is a narrow valley with steep walls through which a river often flows.
—► The canyon was so deep that the ground inside was covered in shadow.

creek [kri:k] n.
A creek is a stream or small river.
-* Only small fish lived in the shallow waters of the creek.

drill [dril] n.
A drill is a tool with a point that spins in order to make a hole.
—» The carpenter used the drill to make several holes in the wood.

executive [igzekjativ] n.
An executive is the top manager of a business.
—»After twenty years at the company, he finally became the executive.

fatigue [fati g] n.
Fatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness.
—► After three days with little sleep, she was feeling a lot of fatigue.

incline [inklain] n.
An incline is a sharp rise in something, especially a hill or mountain.
—> This mountain has one of the steepest inclines in the world.

nasty [naesti] adj.
If something is nasty, then it is not nice or pleasant.
-+ The rotten apple left a nasty taste inside her mouth.
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