4000 english words volume 5-ebook (1)

(DIEM PHUONG6u7g5j) #1

Word List

analytic [asneUtik] adj.

If something is analytic, it is related to logic and reasoning.
—» The analytic article criticized the new plan and presented one of its own.

a s s e r t [asart] v.

To assert a fact or belief means to state it with confidence.
-* He asserted that his mother’s cooking was better than his best friend’s.

bachelor [bsetfalar] n.
A bachelor is an unmarried man.
—► Since he was a bachelor, Jason did his shopping by himself.

calculus [kaelkjalas] n.
Calculus is an advanced type of mathematics.
—► By using calculus, scientists determined small changes in the stars’ brightness.

celestial [salestjal] adj.
If something is celestial, it is related to the sky or to outer space.
-» Comets are celestial objects that are rarely seen.

cognitive [kagnativ] adj.
If something is cognitive, it is related to learning and knowing things.
—»After her physical examination, her cognitive strengths were tested.

collision [kali 3 an] n.
A collision is the act of two things hitting into each another.
—► The collision between the two cars created a loud noise.

Competent [kampatent] adj.
If someone is competent, they are able to think or act successfully.
—► Competent employees are much better than unknowledgeable ones.

diploma [diplouma] n.
A diploma is a certificate proving that someone has completed their studies.
-» After four years of college, Mary finally had a diploma.

excel [iksel] V.
To excel at a subject or activity means to be very good at it.
—► Jenny excels at playing the piano.
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