infer [infer] v.
To infer something is to decide it is true based on other information one has.
—► By the position of the sun in the sky, she inferred that it was noon.
inflate [infleit] V.
To inflate something means to fill it up with air.
—»I helped him inflate the balloons.
innate Eineit] adj.
When something is innate, it is something that one is born with, it is not learned.
-* He had the innate desire to please his teachers.
marble [ma:rbai] n.
Marble is a type of rock that feels cold and is smooth when cut.
—► The large house had floors made of marble.
mast [maest] n.
A mast is a long pole on a ship that holds the sail.
-» The mast held both sails of the ship upright.
nausea [n6:zia] n.
Nausea is the feeling of being sick to your stomach.
—► The doctor said the medicine would help get rid of her nausea.
n a v a l [neival] adj.
When something is naval, it relates to a country’s navy or military ships.
—► The country sent all of its naval forces to protect them.
POUCH [pautj] n.
A pouch is a small, flexible bag that is usually made of cloth.
—► I keep my money in a small pouch.
saturated [saetjareitid] adj.
If something is saturated, it is completely wet.
—► Leigh’s hair became saturated in the rain storm.
update [Apdeit] n.
An update is an act of making something more modern.
—► I’m doing an update on my personal phone directory.