Astronomy - USA (2020-05)

(Antfer) #1



he first target, NGC 4111, lies near
the border between Canes Venatici
and Ursa Major. This small but
fascinating edge-on lenticular galaxy lies
about 1° due east of 67 UMa. It cuts a fine
line against the night sky. A dark dust lane
runs perpendicular to the galaxy’s plane,
causing a dramatic decrease in brightness
between the edge of the bulge and the
beginning of the disk. Use at least 100x
to see its bright starlike core, eye-shaped
bulge, and hyperfine needlelike disk, ori-
ented west-northwest to east-southeast.
Next, thread your way about 1.5°
northeast of 14 Canum Venaticorum for
the amazing f locculent galaxy NGC
5033. Visible with averted vision in

10x50 binoculars, this 10th-magnitude
marvel is the visual twin of NGC 5005,
which lies 0.5° to the northwest. This
5'-long lens-shaped object becomes
increasingly more compressed toward its
highly condensed core, a result of the
galaxy swallowing a companion some-
time in the distant past.
Our third target in the third section is
the Silver Needle Galaxy (NGC 4244),
which glows at magnitude 10.5 about 4½°
southwest of Chara (Beta [β] CVn). This
galaxy’s exactly edge-on disk (15.5' by
1.5') is devoid of a strong central bulge,
but it does display a small central con-
centration. The galaxy orients northeast
to southwest and, through a 4-inch scope

at 75x, is a compelling ghostly ellipse
with an uncanny sharpness to the gal-
axy’s slender shape.
Last but not least in this section, NGC
4414 is another superb f locculent spiral
about 3° north of Gamma Comae
Berenices. The 10th-magnitude galaxy’s
4.5'-by-3' disk has a relatively high sur-
face brightness and makes a good target
for small-telescope users, even under
suburban skies. A 5-inch instrument at
a magnification of 100x will reveal the
inner lens. This feature appears mottled
along the major axis, and the outer lens
has hints of knotty enhancements along
what appears to be a spiral pattern,
although nothing is connected.


Our third section lies in two small northern constellations, Canes Venatici and Coma Berenices.


NGC 5033


NGC 4414


NGC 4244


NGC 4111

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