Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
ParT 2: ValuaTION, rISk aNd reTurN

one share and one put option, with X = $75. No matter what happens to the share price over the next
year, these portfolios have equal payoffs on the expiration date. Therefore we can write:

Payoff on bond + Payoff on call = Payoff on share + Payoff on put

This equation applies to payoffs that occur one year in the future, when the put and call options
expire and the bond matures. However, an important principle in finance says that if two assets have
identical cash flows in the future, then they must sell for the same price today. If that were not true, then
investors could earn unlimited risk-free profits by engaging in arbitrage, simultaneously buying the asset
with the lower price and selling the asset with the higher price. To prevent arbitrage opportunities, the
price of the portfolio consisting of a bond and a call option must equal the price of the portfolio consisting of
one share and one put option.
In making the previous statement, we took a subtle, but important, step forward in understanding
options. Notice that the last sentence of the previous paragraph used the word ‘price’ rather than the
word ‘payoff.’ Because the future payoffs on these two portfolios will be identical on the expiration date,
then the prices of the portfolios must be equal on the expiration date and on any date prior to expiration.
We can express this idea algebraically as follows:

Eq. 8.1 S + P = B + C

In this equation, S stands for the current share price, P and C represent the current market prices
(premiums) of the put and call options, respectively, and B equals the current price of the risk-free, zero-
coupon bond. Equation 8.1 describes one of the most fundamental ideas in option pricing, known as
put−call parity. Put–call parity says that the prices of put and call options on the same underlying share,
with the same strike price and the same expiration date, must be related to each other.


Mototronics Pty Ltd shares currently sell for $28 per
share. Put and call options on Mototronics shares are
available, with a strike price of $30 and an expiration
date of one year. The price of the Mototronics call
option is $6, and the risk-free interest rate equals 5%.
What is the appropriate price for the Mototronics
put option? In other words, what price would satisfy
put–call parity?
Examine Equation 8.1. We know that the share
price equals $28 and the call price is $6. To find the
put price, we also need to know the market price
of a risk-free bond. Refer once again to Figure 8.6.
In that example, the face value of the bond is
$75, equal to the strike price of the option. To
apply put–call parity to value the Mototronics put
option, we must recognise that B, in Equation 8.1,
represents a risk-free bond with a face value of
$30, the same value as the option’s strike price.
The face value of the bond must equal the option’s

strike price because on the right-hand side of
Equation 8.1, it is the bond that provides the ‘floor’
on the portfolio value. On the left-hand side of
Equation 8.1, the put option creates a floor on the
portfolio value, and that floor is equal to the strike
price of the put. That is, if the put option’s strike
is $30, then the left-hand side of Equation 8.1 can
never be less than $30. For the right-hand side of
Equation 8.1 to have the same floor, the bond’s
face value must equal $30.
If a risk-free bond pays $30 in one year, then the
current market price of the bond equals
B = $30 ÷ (1.05) = $28.57
Plug this and the other known values into
Equation 8.1 to solve for the put price:

S + P = B + C
$28 + P = $28.57 + $6
P = $6.57

Put−call parity
A relationship that links the
market prices of shares, risk-
free bonds, call options and
put options

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