Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1

Capital structure and payout policy

12 Raising long-term financing

13 Capital structure

14 Long-term debt and leasing

15 Payout policy

The previous chapters provided a framework

for deciding how an organisation or business

should invest its money. In this Part, we examine

the related questions: How should managers

finance the investments they undertake?

Should managers pay for new investments by

using cash that the firm generates internally, or

should external sources of funds be tapped? Is it

better to finance with equity or with debt? If the

organisation’s investments are successful, should

the company return capital to shareholders

by paying a dividend, or should it repurchase

shares instead?

Chapter 12 describes the trade-offs firms

face when they choose between internal

or external financing or between debt and

equity. The chapter explains how organisations

work with investment bankers to issue equity.

Because investment bankers serve two

masters – firms that want to sell securities

and investors who must be persuaded to buy

them – the investment banking business is

fraught with potential conflicts of interest.

Chapter 12 describes some of the conflicts that

arise in this industry.

In Chapter 13, we explore the question of
whether managers can increase the value of an
organisation by financing its operations with
an optimal mix of debt and equity. A classic
and important line of argument suggests that
such an optimal capital structure may not exist,
but the chapter offers useful guidelines that
managers can consult when deciding what type
of funding to raise for their companies.
Chapter 14 looks at long-term debt and
leasing. It may seem odd to put debt and leasing
together, but a lease is a fixed obligation, just
like the obligation organisations undertake
when they borrow money by issuing bonds.
Managers evaluate lease financing in a fashion
similar to that used when deciding how much
long-term debt to issue.
Chapter 15 examines how managers can
affect the value of an organisation through
its dividend payout policy. In Chapter 5, we
presented a model that showed that the value of
any stock can be viewed as the present value
of all dividends that the stock will pay through
time. We explore the ways that dividends may,
or may not, affect organisation value.

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