Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
what companies do


13-1 What is financial leverage and what are its effects?

13-2 The Modigliani and Miller propositions

13-3 The M&M capital structure model with taxes

13-4 The trade-off model of capital structure

13-5 The pecking-order theory

13-6 Do we have a winning model?

When companies decide how to finance their
activities and investments, they choose between
issuing shares (i.e. selling part of their value to
external parties) or borrowing. This equity–debt
choice is an important one in imperfect capital
markets – those in which there are costs of changing
capital structure, and where the markets are
imperfectly informed about companies’ plans; for

instance, the markets may hear about a company’s
plans, but may not believe they will be achieved and
so be hesitant about investing. If the external capital
markets are confident that a company’s plans are
achievable, capital in the form of equity or debt will
be provided, for a price. The extract below describes
a recent insight about the improving confidence of
capital markets in investing in Australian companies.



Borrowers are once again attuned to
credit availability and banks are willing
to lend. Respondents’ awareness of and
confidence in local credit availability is
at its highest level [for many years]. This
is an important element for a healthy
transaction environment. [Over the past
year] less than half of respondents felt
credit availability was improving at the

local level. Now, banks are keen to do
business and this has shot up to 71%,
with only 6% of respondents who believe
it will decline. Anticipated global credit
availability is also at an all-time post-
GFC high, up to 64%. A massive 94% of
Australasian executives see local credit
availability as stable or improving; only 6%
expect a decline.
> >

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