Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
14: Long-Term Debt and Leasing

■ Leasing serves as an alternative to
borrowing funds to purchase an asset.
Operating leases are described in a
footnote to a company’s balance sheet,
whereas finance lease obligations must be
shown on the balance sheet as an asset and
corresponding liability. Companies often
make lease-versus-purchase decisions,

which involve choosing the alternative with
the lower present value of cash outflows.

■ Leasing affects a company’s future financing
ability. Financial analysts view leases as long-
term financial commitments. A variety of
advantages and disadvantages of leasing are
commonly cited.


balloon payment, 505
bank-accepted commercial
bill, 509
bearer bonds, 514
call premium, 516
collateral, 505
convertible bonds, 512
covered bonds, 509
cross-default covenant, 502
debentures, 509
direct lease, 521
Eurobond, 514
Eurocurrency loan market, 506
fallen angels, 513
finance lease, 520
fixed-rate offerings, 501
floating-rate issues, 501

foreign bond, 514
high-yield bonds, 513
income bonds, 509
indenture, 510
investment-grade bonds, 513
junk bonds, 513
lease-versus-purchase (or lease-
versus-buy) decision, 521
leasing, 519
lessee, 519
lessor, 519
leveraged lease, 521
lien, 505
loans, 501
loan covenants, 501
maintenance clause, 521
operating lease, 520

private placements, 501
project finance (PF) loans, 507
purchase option, 521
refund, 515
renewal option, 521
sale-leaseback arrangement, 521
serial bonds, 515
share purchase warrants, 505
sinking fund, 510
speculative bonds, 513
stand-alone companies, 507
subordinated bond, 509
subordination, 502
syndicated loan, 506
term loan, 504
trustee (bond), 511


Answers to Self-test problems and the Concept review questions throughout the chapter appear on
CourseMate with SmartFinance Tools at
ST14-1 The initial proceeds per bond, the size of the issue, the initial maturity of the bond and the years
remaining to maturity are shown in the following table for a number of bonds. Each bond has a
$1,000 face value, and the issuing company is in the 35% tax bracket.

Bond Proceeds per bond Size of issue Initial maturity of bond Years remaining to maturity
A $ 975 50,000 bonds 10 years 5 years
B 1,020 25,000 20 15
C 1,000 100,000 25 12

a Indicate whether each bond was sold at a discount, at a premium, or at its face value.
b Determine the total discount or premium for each issue.
c Determine the annual amount of discount or premium amortised for each bond.



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