Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
15: Payout Policy

mini case

After working for the past four years as a financial analyst
for Nevada Power Corporation, you receive a well-deserved
promotion. You have been appointed to work on special
projects for Mr Watkins, the chief financial officer (CFO).
Your first assignment is to gather information on dividend
theory and policy, because the CFO wants to reassess the
company’s current dividend policy.


1 What are the different types of dividend policies?
Provide examples of situations in which each of these
dividend policies could be used.

2 Describe the difference between cash dividends, bonus
share issues, share splits and share repurchases. Provide
examples of when each of these forms of dividends can
be used.

3 Discuss the theory of dividend irrelevance. How do
taxes affect the dividend irrelevance theory?
4 How do managers use dividend policy to convey
information to the marketplace? Why is dividend
policy, instead of a press release, used to communicate



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Smart concepts – step-by-step explanations of
» See what dividend irrelevance means in
a world with perfect capital markets.
Smart solutions – step-by-step explanations of
Smart videos
» Scott Lee, Texas A&M University

» Andy Bryant, Executive Vice President
of Finance and Enterprise Systems,
Chief Financial Officer, Intel Corp.
» John Graham, Duke University
» Cynthia Lucchese, Chief Financial
Officer, Hillenbrand Industries
» Frank Popoff, Chairman of the Board
(retired), Dow Chemical
» Kenneth Eades, University of Virginia
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