Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
what companies do

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16-1 Overview of the planning process

16-2 Planning for growth

16-3 Planning and control



Following its 40% fall in profits for the 2012 financial
year, and the impact of a struggling domestic retail
market, David Jones conducted a strategic review
to identify ways of unlocking long-term shareholder
value, and took steps to ensure that it was able to
sustain its long-term growth potential.
Most of the slump in profits can be attributed
to the doldrums plaguing the retail market, which
saw sales fall by 4.8% to $1.87 billion for the year.
However, this was reinforced by rising costs, which
resulted in a slide in gross profit margin from
39.1% to 37.5%. To compensate for this fall in
profits and preserve long-term value, the company
implemented a dramatic cut in its final dividend to 7
cents per share – a reduction of 33.3% on its interim
dividend (10.5 cents per share) and 53.3% on its final
dividend for the previous year (15 cents per share).
As part of the strategic review, the company
obtained valuations for its flagship Sydney and

Melbourne city stores, which were valued in the
accounts at $460 million. These would be valued at
up to $612 million if DJs were to sell them and rent
them back (at an estimated annual cost of $39 million).
However, the strategic review suggested there could be
further gains that could be unlocked if these sites were
redeveloped, since they are situated in prime locations.
In September 2012, the company announced
limited details of this strategic review and revealed
its intention to spend the subsequent six months
reviewing structural issues, planning limitations, design
considerations and the trading impact of various
strategic scenarios that were under consideration.
Source: Adapted from Michael Janda, ‘DJs Looks to Real Estate Amid
Sales Slump’, 19 September 2012,
09-19/david-jones-profit-slumps-as-expected/4269432. To watch an ABC
news item about this David Jones profit issue or to listen to commentary
on David Jones’ CEO’s briefing to analysts providing insight into the
strategic and financial planning process undertaken by the company, go
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