Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1


payable department, where payment is authorised and cheques or other forms of payment are initiated.
Centralised systems offer many advantages, including easier concentration of funds, improved access to
cash position information, better control and reduced transaction and administrative costs. There are,
however, several problems with centralised payables, such as slow payment times (which could damage
relationships with vendors or cause missed opportunities for cash discounts) and the need to coordinate
between central payables and field offices or managers to resolve any disputes.
Some companies utilise a more decentralised system to the payables and disbursement process in
which payments are authorised and, in some cases, initiated at the local level. Although this approach
generally helps to improve relationships with vendors and enhance local management autonomy, it makes
it harder to concentrate funds and obtain daily cash position information, and it increases the chance of
unauthorised disbursements.

finance in practice


Very few bank credit card users understand how
the card issuer determines the finance charge
and minimum payment. Assume that you have a
SuperBank Visa card that charges a monthly interest
rate of 1.5% on the average daily balance (the most
popular method) and requires a minimum payment
equal to 5% of the new balance, rounded to the
nearest dollar. Assume your statement extends
from 10 October to 10 November – a total of 31
days – and your balance on 10 October was $582.
During the period, you made the following three

October 15 Purchase $350
October 22 Purchase 54
November 22 Payment 25

As a result, you have the following account

■ Average daily balance = $28,068 ÷ 31
= $905.42
■ Finance charge = $905.42 × 0.015 = $13.58
■ New balance = $961 + $13.58 = $974.58
■ Minimum payment = 0.05 × $974.58 = $48.73,
which rounds to $49.00

The calculations above show that your finance
charge was $13.58 (1.5% of your average daily
balance of $905.42). Adding it to the end-of-month
account balance of $961, your new balance was
$974.58. The minimum payment of $49 equalled
5% of the new balance – $48.73 – rounded
to the nearest dollar. Note that if you pay the
$49 minimum payment, $13.58 of it will cover
the finance charge and the remaining $35.42
($49.00 – $13.58) will be applied to the balance
outstanding when the payment is received.

Dates Number of days (1) Balance (2) (1) × (2) (3)
11–15 Oct. 5 $582 $ 2,910
16–22 Oct. 7 $582 + $350 = 932 6,524
23 Oct.–6 Nov. 15 932 + 54 = 986 14,790
7–10 Nov. 4 986 – 25 = 961 3,844
Total 31 $28,068
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