Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1


Consider a forward contract to purchase a 10-year bond in one year. Currently, an 11-year bond has a coupon
rate of 8% and a price of $1,100, and will thus make two $40 coupon interest payments over the coming year.
The current effective annual risk-free rate of interest over the next year is 5%. Because the 10-year bond costs
nothing to store, W = $0, and the fair forward price is calculated as follows:


= ()



F $ −+ =


10 .05


10 .05

0.51^10 .05$1,074.01

Of course, we have made a number of assumptions to arrive at Equations 23.1 and 23.2. First,
we have assumed that market participants are able to borrow and lend at the risk-free rate, though
most individual and institutional investors are unable to do so. However, a sufficiently large number
of institutional investors can borrow at or near the risk-free rate, such that Equations 23.1 and 23.2
should hold. Second, we have assumed that there are no transaction costs associated with establishing
these positions, which will tend to widen the bounds on futures prices. Third, we have assumed that
we can use the proceeds from short selling, and that short selling does not involve any costs. In reality,
only institutional investors can use all the proceeds from short selling, and there are transactions costs
associated with short selling. These costs can be incorporated into the model by discounting the right-
hand side of Equations 23.1 and 23.2.


Currency forward contracts, which involve exchanging one currency for another at a fixed date in the future,
express the forward price as a forward rate. Table 23.2 presents hypothetical spot and forward exchange
rates between the US dollar, the British pound and the euro. For example, the spot rate between pounds
and dollars is US$1.6150/£ (or, equivalently, £0.6192/US$), and the spot rate between euros and US
dollars is US$1.1100/€ (or €0.9009/US$).
Figures 23.4 and 23.5 show payoff diagrams for the buyer and seller of a six-month forward
contract on the British pound, where the forward rate, which is agreed upon at contract origination,
is US$1.6354/£. Under this forward contract agreement, the purchaser of the contract has agreed
to purchase £1 in six months, at a price of US$1.6354. The seller of the contract has agreed to sell

currency forward
A contract that involves
exchanging one currency for
another at a fixed date in the

forward rate
The forward price in a
currency forward contract

See the concept explained
step by step on the
CourseMate website.



Currency US$ equivalent Currency per US$
Spot 1.6150 0.6192
1-month forward 1.6216 0.6167
3-month forward 1.6247 0.6155
6-month forward 1.6354 0.6115
Spot 1.1100 0.9009
1-month forward 1.1144 0.8973
3-month forward 1.1233 0.8902
6-month forward 1.1366 0.8798
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