Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
23: Introduction to Financial Risk Management

Note that unlike interest rate swaps, the notional principal in a currency swap is often exchanged

at the origination and termination dates of the contract. If the notional principal were not exchanged

at the termination date, the US company would still be faced with a dollar liability when the dollar-

denominated bonds mature, and the Swiss company would be faced with a Swiss franc liability.

Another variant of the currency swap is the fixed-for-floating currency swap. This is simply a

combination of a currency swap and an interest rate swap. In this transaction, the first party pays

a fixed rate of interest denominated in one currency to the second party in exchange for a floating

rate of interest denominated in another currency. For example, if the US company in the previous

example preferred to borrow in Swiss francs at a floating rate of interest, and the Swiss company

preferred to borrow in dollars at a fixed rate of interest, the two companies could engage in a fixed-

for-floating currency swap.

Suppose that the US company could borrow $7 million in 10-year bonds with a coupon rate of 8%.

The Swiss company borrows SF10 million in 10-year bonds with a coupon rate of LIBOR + 100 basis

points. This spread of 100 basis points above LIBOR is a reflection of the credit rating of the Swiss

company. As in the currency swap, the two parties will exchange the principal amounts at contract

origination. At the end of the first six-month period, if LIBOR is 6.5%, the cost of the loan will be 7.5%

(0.065 + 0.010). The US company will pay SF375,000 [SF10,000,000 × (0.065 + 0.01)/2] to the Swiss

company in exchange for US$280,000 (US$7,000,000 × 0.08/2). For both parties, the semiannual cash

inflows from the swap contract are used to make the interest payments on the bonds that were issued

in the cash market. Upon termination of the swap contract, the principal amounts are exchanged again

and the bonds are retired.


7 Describe how an interest rate swap is just a portfolio of FRAs.

8 Why would any corporation hedge with forwards, futures or swaps if it could keep its upside
potential by hedging with options?


The key to a successful hedging strategy is the ability to identify and offset the underlying risk exposure

that has the largest impact on the company’s value. For many companies, however, the underlying risk

exposure is unique because the risk exposure is based on an asset whose value is not easily hedged. As noted

earlier, financial engineering is the application of finance principles to design securities and strategies that

help companies manage their risk exposures. In particular, financial engineering has meant combining

the risk-management building blocks – forwards, futures, options and swaps – in complex patterns in

order to achieve specific risk profiles that benefit corporate issuers, or to offer investors unique payoff

structures that help them optimise their investment portfolios, or both. For example, some companies are

not able to use off-the-shelf hedging instruments because those instruments do not have payoff structures

that will offset the company’s underlying risk exposures. Similarly, an institutional investor may desire an

investment security that has specific payoff structures, but no such security is currently available.

currency swap
A combination of a currency
swap and an interest rate
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