Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1




Gosocket Corp 660
Graham, John 49, 246, 316, 338, 476,
489, 542, 791
Gross, Bill 251
Gunasingham, Brindha 698

Hackett Group 632
Haeberle, David 707
Haines, Joshua 6
Hambricht, William 700
Hambricht and Quist 700
Hartzell, J. C. 740
Harvard University 506
Harvey, Campbell 246, 316, 338, 476, 489
Heritage Bank 143–4
Hershey Foods Corporation 789 – 90
Hewlett-Packard (HP) 164
HIH Insurance 764
Hillenbrand Industries 542
Hills Industries 11
Hochberg, Yael V. 701
Honeywell 750
Hotel Chocolat 120

IGA 728
Inabox 159
Indiana University 211, 689
IndyMac Bancorp, Inc. 764
InfoSonics 25
Intel Corp. 23, 24, 168, 206–7, 212, 375,
419, 537, 541, 570, 572, 629 , 700
Interbrand Corporation 35
Invoiceware International 660
ITA Software 718

J. P. Morgan 440
Jenkinson, Tim 443
Jensen, Michael 484–5
Joyce, Alan 625
JP Morgan Chase 731
JPMorgan 8
Just Jeans 455

Kaplan, Steve 700
Karolyi, Andrew 241
Keybridge Capital Limited 538, 615–16
King, Tao-Hsien Dolly 740
Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers 687 ,

Koedjik, Kees 616
Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts (KKR) 743
KPMG Peat Marwick 452

Lee, Scott 370, 541
Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. 92,
Lins, Professor Karl 665
Ljungqvist, Alexander 701
LoForti, Vern 25
London Business School 200
Lu, Yang 701
Lucchese, Cynthia 542
Lynch, Peter 251
Lyondell Chemical Company 764

Macquarie Group 8, 442
Madoff, Bernard 24
Majluf, Nicholas 488
Mars 789 – 90
Marvel 728
Mathur, Ike 617
Mauer, David C. 740
Mazzarol, Professor Tim 627
McDonald’s 601
McKinsey & Company 241, 727 – 8
Meckling, William 484–5
Mecox Lane 448
Megginson, William 548–9
Meisenzahl, Ralf 678
Merck & Co. 207, 212
Merrill Lynch 24
Merton, Robert 283
Metcash Food and Grocery 728
Meyrick and Associates 66
MF Global Holdings Ltd. 764
Microsoft Corp. 168, 250, 295, 572,
Miller, Merton 472–3, 481, 545, 547,
Mitchells & Butlers 123
Modigliani, Franco 472–3, 545, 547,
Moelis & Co 442
Monti, Mario 750
Moody’s 144–5, 234, 513
Morgan Stanley 440, 442, 707
Morgans Financial Ltd 442
Muscarella, Chris 320
Myer Group 743
Myers, Stewart 488

NAB 7, 136
Nasdaq OMX Group 443, 707 – 8
National Presto Industries (NPI) 539
NBC 578
Nestlé 789 – 90
New York University 515
News Corporation 729
NextLight Renewable Power 718
Nickel, David 23, 375
Nikkei 620
Nine Entertainment Co Pty Ltd 739
Northwestern University 471

Oak Hill Platinum Partners 265
Ofek, E. 740
Office Depot 729
Oklahoma State University 809
Olam International 507
Olson, Jon 31, 420, 648
One.Tel 764
Oracle 735 , 750
OrotonGroup Limited 227–8, 231–2, 236
Oxford University 443

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 764
Partington, Graham 249
Peat, Maurice 249
Pennsylvania State University 320
People’s Bank of China (PBOC) 601
Petersen, Mitchell 471
Philips Electronics 730
Piper Jaffray 440–1
PMI Gold Corporation 308
Popoff, Frank 48, 439, 553
Poulsen, Annette 142, 501
Price Waterhouse 741
PricewaterhouseCoopers 741
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 691 , 698
Private Bank, The 6
Procter & Gamble 207, 212
Project Finance International 507
Prupim 123
Puri, Manju 700

Qantas 43, 157, 625–6

Rajan, Raghu 382
Rajgopal, Shiva 316
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