Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1



corporate governance 12–13, 751 – 3 ,
corporate insiders, laws affecting 751
corporate loans 504–8
corporate tax 53–4, 359–60, 480
M & M model with 477–9, 480–1
corporate venture capital funds 692
corporations 18
corporate goals 22
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) 12, 18,
443, 763 , 769 , 771
correlation coefficient 240
cost of capital 324, 406–7, 573, 619–20
risk-adjusted discount rate and 410
cost of debt 476
cost of equity 400–5, 408, 476
increased leverage proposition 474–5
cost of funds 573
cost of goods sold 33
cost of marginal investment in accounts
receivable 645
cost structure 402–3
cost trade-offs 67, 504, 572, 574,
633 – 5 , 638
risk–return trade-off 21, 190,
cost–benefit analysis 647 – 8 , 668
costs 19, 23–5, 32, 122, 369–70,
378–80, 484–6, 633 , 790
benefits exceeding 5
bond flotation or issuance costs 519
cost synergies 728
of insolvency and financial distress
of money 504
counterparty risk 266
coupon payments 138
coupon rate 124, 144
coupon yield 124, 192
coupons 124
cover assets 509
coverage ratio 46
covered bonds 509
credit 641 – 2 , 642 , 678
credit availability 465
credit cards 99, 590, 672 , 675 , 693
credit checks 641 – 2
credit default swaps (CDSs) 499
credit information 641
credit monitoring 648 – 51
credit period 640
credit rating 731
credit scoring 642 – 3

credit spread 139
credit standards 641 – 6
credit terms 640 – 1 , 646 – 7 , 648 , 673
creditor days 590
creditors 42, 764
insolvency priority 774
creditors’ committees 772
creditors’ meetings 767–9
to vary or end deeds 770–1
creditworthiness 514, 642 – 3 , 680 ,
cross exchange rate 610
cross-border trading 451, 721 – 3
cross-default covenant 502
cross-hedging 805
crowdfunding 690
cum dividend 537
cumulative dividends 159
currency board arrangement 603
currency distribution 604–5
currency forward contracts 796 – 9
currency forward rates 798
currency movements 614–19
currency options, hedging with 806 – 7
currency pegs 603–4, 614
currency swap 514
currency swaps 810 – 11
currency values 614
hedgers’ and speculators’ influence
current assets 583–4
current ratio 43
current yield 124
cyclical shares 228–9

date payable 537
days’ sales outstanding (DSO) see
average collection period
dealers 614
debentures 140, 508–9
debt 11, 33, 46, 139–40, 433–4, 476,
maturation 500
private placement of see term loans
using to overcome agency costs 485
debt capital 14
debt capital market (DCM) 434
debt financing 763
debt instruments 510
debt policy 475–7, 489
debt ratio 504
debt ratios 46–7

debt securities 138
equity securities, distinction 159
debt–equity ratios 466
debt-for-equity swap 739
debtor days 590
debt-to-equity ratio 47, 456
decentralised payments system 672
decision trees 414–15
deed administrators 770–1
deed of company arrangement 764 ,
767 , 769–70, 769–71, 773
default risk 135, 142, 234
deferred taxes 33
deficit 582–3, 664 , 676
deliverable instruments 805 – 6
demand registration rights 702
deposits, future value and 99–100
depreciation 32, 40, 355, 360, 361–3
double-counting depreciation 40–1
depreciation (currency) 174, 608, 611,
depreciation tax shield 363
derivative security 263
digital technology 13
diminishing value method 362
DINGO (bonds) 140
direct costs 790
direct insolvency costs 482
direct lease 521
direct quote 608
disbursement fraud 675
disbursements 14, 664 , 671–6, 672
developments 675–6
fraud prevention 675
products and methods 674–5
disclosure 443, 454
discount (bonds) 127
discount rate 171, 404, 408–9
discounted cash flow 735
discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis 191
discounted payback 314–15
discounting 73, 75, 87, 89–90, 314–15,
400–10, 410, 646 – 7
see also present value
diversification 11–12, 207–15, 208,
213, 215, 230, 237, 240–1, 243,
730 – 1 , 792
divestitures 718 , 744 – 5
divestments 706
dividend discount model 172
dividend imputation system 409, 538,
dividend irrelevance 545–7
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