Itauna Beach – Arraial do Cabo – 65 km 19
Breakfast was at our pousada after which our route headed north. The road ran
between the beach and a salt lake, and we rode past many a salt farm. Thank
goodness, we picked up a strong tailwind and I was happy for Amanda as she
seemed tired by then.
Arriving in Arraial do Cabo, she felt nauseous and experienced cold shivers. I
suspected she was dehydrated as she’s a terrible water drinker. The campsite at
Arraial do Cabo was a disappointment. Even though located close to the beach, I
thought it was overpriced. Amanda retreated to her tent, not to be seen again. I
cycled to the supermarket, bought the necessary items for supper, and stocked up
with enough fluids to last the night.
Two days were spent in Arraial do Carbo, allowing Amanda to recover before
heading off. Arraial do Cabo had an authentic fishermen’s village atmosphere. A
pleasant saunter led to the picturesque harbour and self-service restaurants. These
restaurants were the best value for money as one paid by weight. Amanda, a fussy
eater, found this extremely convenient. She could choose from a wide selection of
dishes and pay for what was on the plate.
During the night, the wind picked up and gained strength to near gale force
proportions. It took crawling out in the night to turn the tents to face the wind.
Unfortunately, one of my tent poles broke in the process. It seriously peed me off
as it usually meant eventually buying a new tent.