Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML, 5th Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

(^194) Chapter 5 Web Design
Figure 5.34 contains an image that did not use antialiasing; note the jagged edges.
Figure 5.36
Scrolling to the
bottom of this page
will display simple
text links, which
provide accessibility
Figure 5.33
Antialiased text
Figure 5.34
This graphic has a
jagged look and was
not saved using
Figure 5.35
This is Sparky—but
do you really need
to see a picture of
my dog in this
book? Use
necessary images
The only letters not affected are the i and I because the edges of these letters are per-
fectly horizontal and vertical.
●Use only necessary images. Don’t use extra images, just because you have them.
Oh, by the way, isn’t my dog (see Figure 5.35) cute?
●Keep both the file size and the dimensions of images as small as possible. Try to dis-
play only exactly what is needed to get your point across. Use a graphic application to
crop an image or create a thumbnail image that links to a larger version of the image.
●Make sure the site is usable if images are not displayed. If a Web page visitor is
using an assistive technology, such as screen reader, he or she will not see your
images but will still want to navigate through your Web site. If your main naviga-
tion uses images, DHTML, Flash, or other interactive technologies, place a plain
text navigation bar at the bottom of each page. The Studentjobs.gov Web site,
http://www.studentjobs.gov, shown in Figure 5.36, uses this technique.
Focus on Accessibility

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