Because ReflectionMethod provides us with getFileName(), getStartLine(), and
getEndLine() methods, it’s a simple matter to extract the method’s source code.
Examining Method Arguments
Now that method signatures can constrain the types of object arguments, the ability to examine the
arguments declared in a method signature becomes immensely useful. The Reflection API provides the
ReflectionParameter class just for this purpose. To get a ReflectionParameter object, you need the help
of a ReflectionMethod object. The ReflectionMethod::getParameters() method returns an array of
ReflectionParameter objects.
ReflectionParameter can tell you the name of an argument, whether the variable is passed by
reference (that is, with a preceding ampersand in the method declaration), and it can also tell you the
class required by argument hinting and whether the method will accept a null value for the argument.
Here are some of ReflectionParameter’s methods in action:
$prod_class = new ReflectionClass( 'CdProduct' );
$method = $prod_class->getMethod( "__construct" );
$params = $method->getParameters();
foreach ( $params as $param ) {
print argData( $param )."\n";
function argData( ReflectionParameter $arg ) {
$details = "";
$declaringclass = $arg->getDeclaringClass();
$name = $arg->getName();
$class = $arg->getClass();
$position = $arg->getPosition();
$details .= "\$$name has position $position\n";
if (! empty( $class ) ) {
$classname = $class->getName();
$details .= "\$$name must be a $classname object\n";
if ( $arg->isPassedByReference() ) {
$details .= "\$$name is passed by reference\n";
if ( $arg->isDefaultValueAvailable() ) {
$def = $arg->getDefaultValue();
$details .= "\$$name has default: $def\n";
return $details;
Using the ReflectionClass::getMethod() method, the code acquires a ReflectionMethod object. It
then uses ReflectionMethod::getParameters() to get an array of ReflectionParameter objects. The
argData() function uses the ReflectionParameter object it was passed to acquire information about the
First, it gets the argument’s variable name with ReflectionParameter::getName(). The
ReflectionParameter::getClass() method returns a ReflectionClass object if a hint’s been provided.