PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

and regenerate the PEAR package

Analyzing Dialekt/AliG.php
Analyzing Dialekt/Dalek.php
Analyzing cli-dialekt.php
Analyzing Dialekt.php
Package Dialekt-1.2.1.tgz done

As before, I have a Dialekt-1.2.1.tgz package. This time, though, it's ready for the
channel. Now I can move or upload the package to my channel directory. Then, before I run the
command to make the release, I must first check a setting in the php.ini file. If you don’t know where
that is, by the way, you can run

php --ini

from the command-line and PHP will tell you. Once I’ve looked up its location I can open up php.ini and
look for a line like this:

phar.readonly = Off

If the line is not there, or if it differs, I must add or alter it. Without this setting, my release will likely
fail. Now, at last I’m ready to make my release. I change to my channel directory and run.

php /usr/share/pearscs.phar release Dialekt-1.2.1.tgz mattz

Release successfully saved

Once again, I called the pearscs.phar file. Remember, that’s the PEAR_SimpleChannelServer
package. It requires a path to the package file, and a maintainer name. And that’s it. I now have a
channel, containing a package. I can also associate it with a category:

php /usr/share/pearscs.phar categorize Dialekt fun

Added Dialekt to fun

Figure 15.2 shows how I can confirm my new package from the browser.
Of course, the proof of the pudding is in the installing. So, from a remote system I can try just that:

pear install appulsus/Dialekt

downloading Dialekt-1.2.1.tgz ...
Starting to download Dialekt-1.2.1.tgz (1,913 bytes)
....done: 1,913 bytes
install ok: channel://

All that’s left to do now is publicize the channel!
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