PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


In a real-world situation, I would probably start out by adding some content to Question.php. Here, I
confine myself to creating an empty file using the standard touch command. Once I have added a
document, I must still invoke the commit subcommand to complete the addition.

$ svn commit -m'initial checkin'

Adding quizobjects/Question.php
Transmitting file data.
Committed revision 5.

Question.php is now in the repository.

Removing a File

Should I discover that I have been too hasty and need to remove the document, it should come as no
surprise to learn that you can use a subcommand called remove.

$ svn remove quizobjects/Question.php

D quizobjects/Question.php

Once again, a commit is required to finish the job.

$ svn commit -m'removed Question'

Deleting quizobjects/Question.php
Committed revision 6.

Adding a Directory

You can also add and remove directories with add and remove. Let’s say Bob wants to make a new
directory available:

$ mkdir resources
$ touch resources/blah.gif
$ svn add resources/

A resources
A resources/blah.gif

Notice how the contents of resources are added automatically to the repository.
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