PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

Otherwise, you can get Java directly from
Once you’ve confirmed that you have java (the java website will tell you if you haven’t), you need to
acquire CruiseControl. You can download the latest version at You should end up with an archive named
something like Now you can move the directory somewhere central, and
launch the CruiseControl script.

$ unzip
$ mv cruisecontrol-bin-2.8.3 /usr/local/cruisecontrol

$ cd /usr/local/cruisecontrol/
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/
$ ./

Notice that export line. Like many Java applications CruiseControl needs to know where your java
executable resides. You can see where that is on my system. Your system may differ. You can try
something like

ls -al which java


locate javac | grep bin

to find the directory you should use for JAVA_HOME. The java and javac (that’s the java compiler)
binaries will usually be found in a directory named bin. You should include the parent directory, and not
bin itself, in JAVA_HOME.

■Note Once you’ve got your proof of concept up and running, you may want ensure that CruiseControl starts up

automatically when you boot your integration server. An excellent blog entry by Felix De Vliegher at includes a start-up script for


If all goes well, you should see some text scroll by, but that’s about all. Once you’ve recovered from
the sense of anti-climax, you can really find out whether you’re ready to proceed by firing up your
browser and visiting http://localhost:8080/dashboard. You should see something like the screen in
Figure 20–4.

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