PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


Figure 20–4. The CruiseControl Dashboard screen

■Note I’m running CruiseControl locally on my development box, so my URLs all point to localhost. You can, of

course, use a different host for your CI Server.

Installing phpUnderControl

Like CruiseControl, phpUnderControl exists to marshal other tools. So you need to make sure that
you have some prerequisites in place. I've already set up some of the tools this chapter. There’s one
more to install though:

$ pear channel-discover
$ pear install -a ezc/Graph

The ezcGraph package is used to generate useful status information. Now that it's in place, I can
install phpUnderControl itself.

$ pear config-set preferred_state beta
$ pear channel-discover
$ pear install --alldeps phpunit/phpUnderControl

As you can see, phpUnderControl remains beta software at the time of this writing. Once I have it
installed, I should have access to a command line tool: phpuc. You can check this, with the usage flag:

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