PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

// return true if the current token is a word
function isWord( ) {
return ( $this->token_type == self::WORD );

// return true if the current token is a quote character
function isQuote( ) {
return ( $this->token_type == self::APOS ||
$this->token_type == self::QUOTE );

// current line number in source
function line_no() {
return $this->line_no;

// current character number in source
function char_no() {
return $this->char_no;

// clone this object
function __clone() {
$this->r = clone($this->r);

// move on to the next token in the source. Set the current
// token and track the line and character numbers
function nextToken() {
$this->token = null;
while (! is_bool($char=$this->getChar()) ) {
if ( $this->isEolChar( $char ) ) {
$this->token = $this->manageEolChars( $char );
$this->char_no = 0;
$type = self::EOL;
return ( $this->token_type = self::EOL );

} else if ( $this->isWordChar( $char ) ) {
$this->token = $this->eatWordChars( $char );
$type = self::WORD;

} else if ( $this->isSpaceChar( $char ) ) {
$this->token = $char;
$type = self::WHITESPACE;

} else if ( $char == "'" ) {
$this->token = $char;
$type = self::APOS;

} else if ( $char == '"' ) {

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