PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


return $char;
function getPos() {
return $this->r->getPos();


class ScannerState {
public $line_no;
public $char_no;
public $token;
public $token_type;
public $r;

First off, I set up constants for the tokens that interest me. I am going to match characters, words,
whitespace, and quote characters. I test for these types in methods dedicated to each token:
isWordChar(), isSpaceChar(), and so on. The heart of the class is the nextToken() method. This attempts
to match the next token in a given string. The Scanner stores a Context object. Parser objects use this to
share results as they work through the target text.
Note also a second class: ScannerState. The Scanner is designed so that Parser objects can save
state, try stuff out, and restore if they’ve gone down a blind alley. The getState() method populates and
returns a ScannerState object. setState() uses a ScannerState object to revert state if required.
Here is the Context class:

namespace gi\parse;

class Context {
public $resultstack = array();

function pushResult( $mixed ) {
array_push( $this->resultstack, $mixed );

function popResult( ) {
return array_pop( $this->resultstack );

function resultCount() {
return count( $this->resultstack );

function peekResult( ) {
if ( empty( $this->resultstack ) ) {
throw new Exception( "empty resultstack" );
return $this->resultstack[count( $this->resultstack ) -1 ];

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