The Book of CSS3 - A Developer\'s Guide to the Future of Web Design (2nd edition)

(C. Jardin) #1

182 Chapter 14

To make the example I’ve been building in this chapter somewhat more
compact, I can use this shorthand code:

div { animation: expand 6s ease-in 2s 10 alternate both running; }

That may still seem verbose, but at its most simple, only two values are
required for the animation property to function: the name of the keyframe
and a duration:

div { animation: expand 6s; }

The Complete Animations Example

With all of the properties explained, let’s take a look at the full example
animation in action. Here’s the CSS (some rules have been omitted for
brevity; see the example files for the complete code):

@keyframes expand {
 0% { border-width: 4px; }
 50% { border-width: 12px; }
 100% {
border-width: 4px;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
div {
animation: expand 6s ease 0 infinite alternate;

Unfortunately, I can’t show animation in this book, so I’ll settle for
describing it. Figure 14-8 shows the state of the element at three of the
animation’s keyframes: The keyframe at 0% () shows the element with a
border-width of 4px and the inherited height and width (100px each, not shown
here); in the 50% keyframe (), the border-width is increased to 12px; and in
the final, 100% keyframe (), the border-width returns to 4px and both height
and width have changed to 100%.

Figure 14-8: Three stages of an animation affecting the border-width, height, and width
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