The Book of CSS3 - A Developer\'s Guide to the Future of Web Design (2nd edition)

(C. Jardin) #1
Blend Modes, Filter Effects, and Masking 229

Figure 18-3: Applying multiple blend modes in different combinations


Although blending background layers is undoubtedly useful, the real power
lies in blending one element with another. In CSS3, you do this with the
mix-blend-mode property. When applied to an element, this property blends
the content of the element with the content and background of any ele-
ments that are directly behind it on the screen.
To understand how this differs from background-blend-mode, let’s see a
quick example. In the following listing, I apply a background image to ele-
ment E and the Multiply blend mode to element F, nested inside E:

E { background-image: url('foo.png'); }
F { mix-blend-mode: multiply; }

Figure 18-4 shows the result, along with other blend modes for compar-
ison. The element at top left (A) has no blend mode applied and is used as
a reference; the remaining three each have blend mode keywords applied:
screen (B), multiply (C), and overlay (D).

Figure 18-4: Different blend modes applied to the text element, mixed with the back-
ground of its parent





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