(Duaa Sulaimanylg6QT) #1

anchor, we derive strength and encouragement to go out into the world and
make the most of ourselves. He or she is there to help us become the best
person we can be, as we are for them.

Don’t Lose Sight of These Facts:

  • Your attachment needs are legitimate.

  • You shouldn’t feel bad for depending on the person you are closest to
    —it is part of your genetic makeup.

  • A relationship, from an attachment perspective, should make you feel
    more self-confident and give you peace of mind. If it doesn’t, this is
    a wake-up call!

  • And above all, remain true to your authentic self—playing games
    will only distance you from your ultimate goal of finding true
    happiness, be it with your current partner or with someone else.

We hope you will use the relationship wisdom distilled in this book, from
more than two decades of research, to find happiness in your romantic
connections and to soar in all aspects of your life. If you follow the
attachment principles we have outlined, you will be actively giving yourself
the best shot at finding—and keeping—a deeply gratifying love, instead of
leaving one of the most important aspects of your life to chance!

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