in the therapeutic nursery; Dr. Abby Fyer, from whom I learned a great deal
in conversations over the years, and who taught me about the importance of
the opioid system in attachment; Dr. Clarice Kestenbaum, for teaching me
how to work with children and young adults in a very special way; and Dr.
David Schaffer, who made my research career possible.
I also thank Dr. Dolores Malaspina, who taught me the basics of
epidemiological research and the importance of community samples in
medicine; Dr. Bill Byne, who discussed with me the literature on childhood
gender nonconformity and taught me how to read scientific literature in a
critical way; and Drs. Ann Dolinsky, David Leibow, and Michael
Liebowitz, for the clinical teachings, knowledge, and experience they
shared with me. Thanks to Dr. Rene Hen for his support through the years;
to Dr. Myron Hofer, whose approach to studying development in animal
models and whose work on the effects of early attachment on the adult
phenotype are exemplary. I value his confidence in my work, and appreciate
his guidance.
I would like to express my appreciation and admiration to my current
collaborators, Dr. Eric Kandel, Dr. Denise Kandel, Dr. Samuel Schacher,
and Dr. Claudia Schmauss. Working with them challenges my intellect and
thinking in the best possible way.
Special thanks to the late Dr. Jimmy Schwartz, who gave me my first
opportunity to perform neuroscience research; to Dr. Herb Kleber, for his
open-door policy and illuminating discussions; to Dr. Francine Cournos, my
first long-term therapy supervisor, for all the support she has given me over
the years; and to all the friends and colleagues with whom I have been
fortunate to work and from whose wisdom I have benefited.
I thank the National Institutes of Health for ongoing support of my
research, which has contributed to the writing of this book.
I would like to express special gratitude to my family. Having them as a
secure base gives me the courage to explore the world. And last but not
least, I thank all my patients, children and adults alike, for sharing their
struggles and hopes, frustration and dreams. Being a part of their lives has
made me a better, richer person.
duaa sulaimanylg6qt
(Duaa Sulaimanylg6QT)