(Duaa Sulaimanylg6QT) #1
running into him/her.


  • Sitting silently “engrossed” in the paper, literally turning your
    back on your partner, not speaking, talking with other people
    on the phone and ignoring him/her.

Keeping score:

  • Paying attention to how long it took them to return your
    phone call and waiting just as long to return theirs; waiting
    for them to make the first “make-up” move and acting
    distant until such time. When Ryan decided not to leave a
    message for Shauna after she screened his calls, he was
    keeping score (“If she’s not answering my calls, I won’t
    leave her a message”).

Acting hostile:

  • Rolling your eyes when they speak, looking away, getting up
    and leaving the room while they’re talking (acting hostile
    can transgress to outright violence at times).

Threatening to leave:

  • Making threats—“We’re not getting along, I don’t think I can
    do this anymore,” “I knew we weren’t really right for each
    other,” “I’ll be better off without you”—all the while hoping
    s/he will stop you from leaving.


  • Acting busy or unapproachable. Ignoring phone calls, saying
    you have plans when you don’t.

Making him/her feel jealous:

  • Making plans to get together with an ex for lunch, going out
    with friends to a singles bar, telling your partner about
    someone who hit on you today.

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