Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies, 8th edition

(Ann) #1


Th e authors and publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright

AEJMC for ‘White’s gatekeeper model, 1950’, from Journalism Quarterly 27 (1950); ‘Wesley and
MacLean’s model of communication, 1957’, from Journalism Quarterly 34 (1957); ‘McNelly’s model
of intermediary communicators in news fl ow, 1959’, from Journalism Quarterly 36 (1959); and ‘Bass’s
“double action” model of internal news fl ow, 1969’, from Journalism Quarterly 46 (1969).
American Psychological Association for ‘Newcomb’s ABX model of communication, 1953’, from ‘An
approach to the study of communicative acts’ in Psychological Review 60 (1953).
Cengage Learning for ‘Berlo’s SMCR model of communication, 1960’, from Th e Process of Communica-
tion: An Introduction to Th eory and Practice, by David K. Berlo, Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1960);
and ‘Andersch, Staats and Bostrom’s model of communication, 1969’, from Communication in Every-
day Use (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969).
Hans-Bredow-Institut for ‘Maletzke’s model of the mass communication process, 1963’, from Th e
Psychology of Mass Communications, Verlag Hans-Bredow-Institut (1963).
HarperCollins Publishers for ‘Barnlund’s transactional models of communication, 1970’, from Founda-
tions of Communication Th eory edited by K.K. Sereno and C.D. Mortensen, Harper and Row (1970).
International Communication Association for ‘Eisenberg’s model of communication and identity,
2001’, from Building a mystery: toward a new theory of communication and identity by Eric A. Eisen-
berg, published in the Journal of Communication, September 2001.
Mary Schramm Coberly for ‘Schramm’s models of communication, 1954’ from W. Schramm (ed.) Th e
Process and Eff ects of Mass Communication (University of Illinois Press, 1954).
National Press Books for ‘Th e Johari window’, from Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingram Luft’s Of
Human Interaction (National Press Books, 1969).
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. for ‘Th e news revolution model’ from News Revolution by Mark D. Alleyne
(1997). [Reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan]
Ronald Yaros for ‘PICK model 2009’ from Journalism and Citizenship: New Agendas in Communica-
tion (Sage, 2009, ed. Zizi Papacharissi).
SAGE Publications Ltd. for ‘Rogers and Dearing’s agenda-setting model, 1987’, from Communica-
tion Yearbook 11; ‘Westerstähl and Johansson’s model of news factors in foreign news, 1994’, from
European Journal of Communication, March 1994; ‘McLeod and Chaff ee’s “kite” model, 1973’, from
‘Interpersonal approaches to communication research’ in American Behavioural Scientist 16 (1973);
and ‘Models of audience fragmentation’ from Audience Analysis by Denis McQuail, 1997.
Sam Becker for ‘Becker’s mosaic model of communication, 1968’, from the University of Minnesota’s
Spring Symposium in Speech Communication (1968).
Springer for ‘Gerbner’s model of communication, 1956’, from ‘Towards a general model of communica-
tion’ in Audio Visual Communication Review 4.
University of Chicago Press for ‘Bales’s interaction process analysis’ from R.F. Bales’s Interaction
Process Analysis: A Method for the Study of Small Groups (1950).

Every eff ort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently over-
looked, the publishers would be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the fi rst opportunity.


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