Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies, 8th edition

(Ann) #1


Topic guide

on Cable Expansion and Broadcasting Policy (UK), 1982; Hutton Report (UK), 2004; Libel; Phillis
Review of Government Communications (UK), 2004; Prior restraint; Regulation of Investigatory
Powers Act (RIPA) UK, 2000; SLAPPS; Sponsorship; Sponsorship of broadcast programmes (UK);
Terrorism: Terrorism, Crime and Security Act (UK), 2001; Video Recording Act (UK), 1984; Wireless
Telegraphy Act, 1904; World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecommunications Agreement, 1997.


Alleyne’s news revolution model, 1997; Andersch, Staats and Bostrom’s model of communication,
1969; Attention model of mass communication; Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur’s dependency model of
mass communication eff ects, 1976; Barnlund’s transactional models of communication, 1970; Bass’s
double action model of internal news fl ow, 1969; Becker’s mosaic model of communication, 1968;
Bernstein’s wheel, 1984; Commercial laissez-faire model of (media) communication; Dance’s helical
model of communication, 1967; Eisenberg’s model of communication and identity, 2001; Galtung
and Ruge’s model of selective gatekeeping, 1965; Gerbner’s model of communication, 1956; Grunig
and Hunt: four models of public relations practice, 1984; Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda
model (see consent, manufacture of); Hypodermic needle model of communication; Jakob-
son’s model of communication, 1958; Kepplinger and Habermeier’s model of media events, 1995
(see event); Lasswell’s model of communication, 1948; Maletzke’s model of the mass communica-
tion process, 1963; McCombs and Shaw’s agenda-setting model of media eff ects, 1976; McLeod and
Chaff ey’s ‘kite’ model, 1973; McNelly’s model of news fl ow, 1959; McQuail’s accountability of media
model, 1997; McQuail’s four stages of audience fragmentation (see audience: fragmentation
of); Newcomb’s ABX model of communication, 1953; Noelle-Neumann’s spiral of silence model
of public opinion, 1974; One-step, two-step, multi-step fl ow models of communication; Riley and
Riley’s model of mass communication, 1959; Schramm’s models of communication, 1954; Rogers
and Dearing’s agenda-setting model, 1987; Self-to-Self model of interpersonal communication,
2007; Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication, 1949; S-IV-R model of communication;
Tripolar model of competing agendas (see rogers and dearing’s agenda-setting model,
1987); Wesley and MacLean’s model of communication, 1957; Westerstähl and Johansson’s model
of news factors in foreign news, 1994; White’s gatekeeper model, 1950; Yaros’ ‘PICK’ model for
multimedia news, 2009.


Attribution theory; Audience; Codes; Codes of narrative; Communication; Communication:
intercultural communication; Communication models; Communication, Non-verbal (NVC);
Congruence theory; Convergence; Culture; Cybernetics; Decode; Deconstruction; Dependency
theory; Discourse; Eisenberg’s model of communication and identity, 2001; Encode; Frankfurt
school of theorists; Functionalist (mode of media analysis); Hegemony; Identifi cation; Ideology;
Interpersonal communication; Johari Window; Linguistics; Marxist (mode of media analysis); Mass
communication/mass self-communication; Meaning; Media theory: purpose and uses; Medium;
Message; Metamessage; Narrative; Narrative paradigm; Noise; Normative theories of mass media;
Panopticon gaze; Paradigm (paradigmatic); Paradigms of media; Play theory of mass communica-
tion; Postmodernism; Postulates of communication; Primacy, the law of; Proxemics; Queer theory;
Roles; Sapir-Whorf linguistic relativity hypothesis; Scripts; Self-concept; Self-fulfi lling prophecy;
Self-identity; Semiology/Semiotics; Sign; Social action (mode of media analysis); Supervening
social necessity; Symbolic convergence theory; Symbolic interactionalism; Technique: Ellul’s theory
of technique; Technological determinism; Texts; Transactional analysis; Uses and Gratifi cations


Empowerment; Expectations; Feminism; Gender; Gender and media monitoring; Gendered
genre; Genderlects; He/man language; Ideology of romance; Intimization; Male-as norm; News:

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