Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies, 8th edition

(Ann) #1

Topic guide

the ‘maleness’ of news; Patriarchy; Pleasure: active and reactive; Profane language; Queer theory;
Report-talk, rapport-talk; Representation; Semiotic power; Stereotype.


al-Jazeera; Blogging; Blogosphere; Communication: intercultural communication; Consumer-
ization; Convergence; Core nations, peripheral nations; Culture: globalization of; Cyberspace;
Ethnocentrism; Europe: cross-border TV channels; Globalization (and the media); Globalization:
three engines of; Global media system: the main players; Glocalization; Hybridization; Internet;
Localization and transnational TV; M-time, p-time; MacBride Commission; McDonaldization;
McWorld Vs Jihad; Media imperialism; Media Studies: the internationalization of Media Studies;
Media moguls: four sources of concern; Mediapolis; Murdoch eff ect; Network neutrality; News:
globalization of; Organization cultures; Post-Colonial Studies; Postmodernism; Press barons;
Publics; Transculturation; Yamousoukrou declaration; Workers in Communication and Media;
World Trade Organization (WTO) Telecommunications Agreement, 1997.



Accent; Apache silence; Assertiveness training; Attitudes; Attribution theory; Bad language; Brit-
ish Black English; Civil inattention; Closure; Cognitive Consistency theories; Communication;
Communication: intercultural communication; Communication, Non-verbal (NVC); Congruence
theory; Confi rmation/disconfi rmation; Conversational styles; Defensive communication; Dress;
Eisenberg’s model of communication and identity, 2001; Elaborated and restricted codes; Empathy;
Eye contact; Facebook; Facework; Facial expression; First impressions; Framing; Ethnophaulisms;
Interpersonal; Gender; Gesture; Gossip; Groups; Groupthink; Halo eff ect; Id, Ego, Super-Ego;
Identifi cation; Impression management; Indicators; Infl uence; Insult signals; Integration; Inter-
personal communication; Intervening variables (IVs); Johari Window; Kineme; Kinesics; Latitudes
of acceptance and rejection; Leadership; Life positions; Listening; Mother tongue; Metamessage;
Metasignals; M-time, p-time; Multicultural London English; Networking: social networking;
Newcomb’s ABX model of communication, 1953; Non-verbal behaviour: repertoire; Orientation;
Other; Overhearing; Perception; Personal idiom; Personal space; Postural echo; Posture; Projection;
Proxemics; Pragmatics; Psychological Reactance theory; Roles; Role model; Scripts; Self-concept;
Self-disclosure; Self-fulfi lling prophecy; Self-identity; Self-monitoring; Self-presentation; Self-to-
Self model of interpersonal communication, 2007; Silence; Spatial behaviour; Strategy; Stigma;
Territoriality; Tie-signs; Touch; Transactional analysis; Twitter; Values.


Arbitrariness; Bad language; British Black English; Codes; Codes of narrative; Cognitive (and aff ec-
tive); Communication: intercultural; Cultural memory; Cultural modes; Culture; Deep structure;
Determiner deletion; Diachronic linguistics; Dialect; Discourse; Disqualifying communication;
Dominant discourse; Eisenberg’s model of communication and identity, 2001; Elaborated and
restricted codes; Emotive language; Ethnophaulisms; Gendered genre; Gossip; Ideational functions
of language; Idiolect; Journalese; Kineme; LAD (Language Acquisition Device); Language pollution;
Langue and parole; Lexis; Linguistic determinism; Linguistics; Metaphor; Metonomy; Modality;
Morphology; Mother tongue; Multicultural London English; Narrative paradigm; Object language;
Onomatopoeia; Open, closed texts; Paradigm; Performatives; Personal idiom; Phatic language;
Phoneme; Phonetics; Phonology; Pragmatics; Profane language; Projection; Propp’s people; Prox-
emics; Reading; Realism; Received Pronunciation (RP); Redundancy; Refl exivity; Register; Report-
talk, rapport-talk; Rhetoric; Sapir-Whorf linguistic relativity hypothesis; Semantics; Semiology/
semiotics; Sentence meaning, utterance meaning; Sign; Slang; Soaps; Style; Traditional transmis-
sion; Verbal devices in speech-making.

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