Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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Escherichia coli (E.coli)A bacterium
normally found in the intestines which,
if it enters the bladder through the ure-
thra, is a common cause of urinary tract
infections. Types of E.COLIare often the
cause of traveller’s diarrhoea, which is
usually a mild illness. However, some
strains of the bacterium can cause seri-
ous food-borne infections that can
result in haemolytic–uraemic syndrome.
Esmarch’s bandageA broad, rubber
bandage wrapped around the elevated
limb of a patient to force blood out of
the blood vessels towards the heart;
this creates a blood-free area, enabling
surgery to be performed more easily.
esotropiaAn alternative term for a con-
vergent squint.
ESRThe abbreviation for erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, which is the rate at
which erythrocytes (red blood cells)
sink to the bottom of a test tube. The
ESR is increased if the level of fibrino-
gen(a type of protein) in the blood is
raised. Fibrinogen is raised in response
to a range of illnesses, including inflam-
mation, especially when this is caused
by infection or by an autoimmune dis-
ease. The ESR is also increased if levels
of immunoglobulins are very high, as
occurs in multiple myeloma. ESR is
therefore useful for helping to diagnose
these conditions as well as in monitor-
ing their treatment.
estradiolThe most important of the
oestrogen hormones, essential for the
healthy functioning of the female repro-
ductive system and breast development.
In synthetic form, estradiol is used to
treat symptoms and complications of
the menopause(see hormone replace-
ment therapy)and to stimulate sexual
development in female hypogonadism.
estriolOne of the oestrogen hormones.
Estriol is the predominant oestrogen
produced during pregnancy. Synthetic
estriol is prescribed to treat symptoms
and complications of the menopause
(see hormone replacement therapy) and
to stimulate sexual development in
female hypogonadism.
estroneAn oestrogen hormone. A syn-
thetic form is used to treat symptoms
and complications of the menopause
(see hormone replacement therapy).

ESWLExtracorporeal shock wave litho-
tripsy (see lithotripsy).
ethambutolA drug used in conjunction
with other drugs to treat tuberculosis.
Ethambutol rarely causes side-effects,
although it may occasionally result in
inflammationof the optic nerve, leading
to blurred vision.
ethanolThe chemical name for the
alcoholin alcoholic drinks.
etherA colourless liquid that produces
unconsciousness when inhaled. Ether
was the first general anaesthetic.
ethinylestradiolA synthetic form of
the female sex hormone estradiol. It is
most often used in oral contraceptives,
in which it is combined with a progest-
ogen drug. Less frequently, it is used in
hormone replacement therapy.
ethosuximideAn anticonvulsant drug
used to treat absence seizures (petit mal
epilepsy). Ethosuximide may cause nau-
sea and vomiting and, in rare cases,
affects production of blood cells in
bone marrow (see anaemia, aplastic).
ethyl alcoholAnother name for eth-
anol, the alcohol in alcoholic drinks.
ethyl chlorideA colourless liquid used
as an analgesic drug. It is applied to the
skin as a spray to numb an area before
minor surgery or to relieve muscle pain.
It is also used to treat larva migrans, a
hookworm infection.
etidronate sodiumSee disodium eti-
etretinateA drug chemically related to
vitamin A, which is used mainly to treat
severe psoriasis. It is occasionally used
in the treatment of other disorders that
cause excessive thickening of the skin,
such as ichthyosis.
Etretinate can cause liver damage and
a rise in blood fats. The drug should not
be taken during pregnancy because of
the risk of damage to the fetus.
eucalyptus oilA substance distilled
from the leaves of eucalyptus trees.
Because of its aromatic smell and
refreshing taste, it is used as a flavour-
ing, and – applied as a rub, inhaled as
vapour, or incorporated in tablets – is
also used in cough and cold remedies.
There is little evidence that it has any
curative properties, although it may
relieve symptoms.



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