Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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sustain the egg and sperm, encouraging
fertilization, and nourish the egg until it
reaches the uterus.
Salpingitisis inflammation of the fal-
lopian tube, usually the result of a
sexually transmitted bacterial infection,
that can lead to infertility.An ectopic
pregnancy(development of an embryo
outside the uterus) most commonly
occurs in the fallopian tube.
Fallot’s tetralogySee tetralogy of Fallot.
falloutSee radiation hazards.
falls in the elderlyThe tendency to
fall increases steadily with age. Reflex
actions become slower, and an elderly
person who trips is frequently too slow
to prevent a fall. Various medical condi-
tions common in the elderly, including
poor sight, walkingdisorders, cardiac
arrhythmias, hypotension, and Parkin-
son’s disease,increase the risk of falls,
as does taking sleeping drugsor tran-
quillizer drugs.
Broken bones (see fracture) are a com-
mon complication of falls, especially in
women. Not only do women have more
falls, they are also more likely to suffer
fractures because their bone strength
may be reduced due to osteoporosis. A
fall, or the fear of falling, can also have
adverse psychological effects on an
elderly person, who may become reluc-
tant to leave the home.
Falls may be prevented by taking com-
mon-sense measures such as ensuring
that handrails are secure, good lighting
is available, suitable footwear is worn,
and floor coverings and wiring are safe.
false teethSee denture.
familialA term applied to a characteris-
tic or disorder that runs in families.
familial Mediterranean feverAn
inherited condition that affects certain
Sephardic Jewish, Armenian, and Arab
families. Its cause is unknown. Symp-
toms usually begin between the ages of
5 and 15 years, and include recurrent
episodes of fever, abdominal and chest-
pain, and arthritis. Red skin swellings
sometimes occur, and affected people
may also suffer psychiatric problems.
Attacks usually last from 24–48 hours
but may be longer. Between attacks
there are usually no symptoms. Although
there is no specific treatment for familial

Mediterranean fever, known sufferers
can reduce the incidence of attacks by
takingcolchicine. Death may eventually
occur from amyloidosis, which is a com-
plication of the condition.
family planningThe deliberate limita-
tion or spacing of births. Strategies for
family planning include the different
methods of contraception. (See also
birth control.)
family therapyA form of psychotherapy
that aims to promote greater harmony
and understanding between members
of a family, most often between parents
and adolescent children.
famotidineAn H 2 receptor antagonist
drug that promotes healing of peptic
ulcers and reduces inflammation of the
oesophagus (oesophagitis) by suppress-
ing acid production from the stomach.
Side effects, which include headaches
and dizziness, are uncommon.
Fanconi’s anaemiaA rare type of apla-
stic anaemiacharacterized by severely
reduced production of all types of blood
cells by the bone marrow.
Fanconi’s syndromeA rare kidney dis-
order that occurs most commonly in
childhood. Various important chemicals,
such as amino acids, phosphate, calci-
um, and potassium, are lost in the urine,
leading to failure to thrive, stunting of
growth, and bone disorders such as rick-
ets.Possible causes of the syndrome
include several rare inherited abnormal-
ities of body chemistry and an adverse
reaction to certain drugs.
The child may resume normal growth
if an underlying chemical abnormality
can be corrected. Alternatively, a kidney
transplant may be possible.
fantasyThe process of imagining ob-
jects or events that are not actually
occurring or present. The term also
refers to the mental image. Fantasy can
give the illusion that wishes have been
met. In this sense, it provides satisfac-
tion and can be a means of helping
people to cope when reality becomes
too unpleasant. Fantasy can also stimu-
late creativity. Psychoanalysts believe
that some fantasies are unconscious
and represent primitive instincts; these
fantasies are presented to the con-
scious mind in symbols.



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