Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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gonadorelinThe hormone released by
the hypothalamusthat stimulates the
pituitary gland to secrete the gonado-
trophin hormones follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hor-
mone (LH).
Gonadorelin can be given by injection
and is used to investigate suspected
disease of the hypothalamus and also
to stimulate the ovariesin the treatment
of infertility. Synthesized gonadorelins
(known as gonadorelin analogues) are
used to treat endometriosisand hormone-
dependent cancers including breast
cancer and prostate cancer.
gonadotrophin hormonesHormones
that stimulate cell activity in the ovaries
and testes. Gonadotrophins are essen-
tial for fertility. The two most important
gonadotrophins are follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hor-
mone (LH), which are secreted by the
pituitary gland. Another gonadotrophin,
HCG (see gonadotrophin, human chori-
onic), is produced by the placenta
during pregnancy. Certain gonadotro-
phins are used as drugs in the
treatment of infertility.
gonadotrophin, human chorionicA
hormoneproduced by the placentain
early pregnancy. Human chorionic gon-
adotrophin (HCG) stimulates the ovaries
to produce oestrogenand progesterone,
which are needed for a healthy preg-
nancy. HCG is excreted in the urine, and
its presencein urine is the basis of
pregnancy tests on urine samples.
gonadsThe sex glands – the testesin
men and the ovariesin women.
gonorrhoeaOne of the most common
sexually transmitted infections. Gonorrh-
oea, caused by the bacterium NEISSERIA
GONORRHOEAE, is most often transmit-
ted during sexual activity, including oral
and anal sex. An infected woman may
also transmit the disease to her baby
during childbirth.
Gonorrhoea has an incubation period
of 2–10 days. In men, symptoms include
a discharge from the urethraand pain
on passing urine. Many infected women
have no symptoms; if symptoms are
present, they usually consist of vaginal
discharge or a burning sensation on
passing urine. Infection acquired by

anal sex can cause gonococcal proctitis.
Oral sex with an infected person may
lead to gonococcal pharyngitis. A baby
exposed to infection during its birth
may acquire the eye infection gonoc-
occal ophthalmia.
Untreated gonorrhoea may spread to
other parts of the body. In men, it may
cause prostatitisor epididymo-orchitis,
affecting fertility. In women, untreated
gonorrhoea results in pelvic inflamma-
tory disease, causing damage to the
fallopian tubes. This increases the risk of
ectopic pregnancy and may lead to
infertility. Gonococcal bacteria in the
bloodstream may result in septicaemia
or septic arthritis.
Tests are performed on a sample of
discharge or on swabs taken from the
urethra, cervix, or rectumin order to
confirm the diagnosis. Gonorrhoea is
treated with antibiotic drugs.
Goodpasture’s syndromeA rare auto-
immune disordercausing inflammation
of the glomeruli in the kidney (see
glomerulus) and the alveoli in the lungs,
and anaemia. It is a serious disease;
unless treated early it may lead to life-
threatening bleeding into the lungs and
progressive kidney failure. The disease is
most common in youngmen, but can
develop at any age and in women.
Sometimes, it responds to treatment
with immunosuppressant drugs and
plasmapheresis. People who have severe
or repeated attacks require dialysisand,
eventually, a kidney transplant.
GORDThe abbreviation for gastro-oes-
ophageal reflux disease (see acid reflux).
goserelinA synthetic drug chemically
related to the hypothalmic hormone
gonadorelin. Goserelin is used to treat
breast cancer and prostate cancer,
fibroids, infertility, and endometriosis.
Adverse effects include loss of bone
density after prolonged application.
goutA common metabolic disorder that
causes attacks of arthritis, usually in a
single joint (most commonly the base
of the big toe). Gout is due to high lev-
els of uric acid in the blood (see
hyperuricaemia); the arthritis is due to
the deposition of uric acid crystals in
joint tissue. The affected joint is red,
swollen, and tender. Attacks last a few



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