Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(ICSI)A treatment for male infertility in
which a single sperm is collected from a
sample of semen and used to fertilize an
ovumin vitro (see in vitro fertilization).
The ovum is then placed in the uterus.
intractableA term to describe any condi-
tion that does not respond to treatment.
intradermal A medical term meaning
into or within the upper layers of the
skin. An intradermal injection is made
into the skin; whereas a subcutaneous
injectionis made under the skin.
intramuscularA medical term meaning
within a muscle, as in an intramuscular
injection, in which a drug is injected
deep within a muscle.
intraocular pressure The pressure with-
in the eye that helps to maintain the
shape of the eyeball, due to the balance
between the rate of production and
removal of aqueous humour. Aqueous
humour is continually produced from
the ciliary bodyand exits from the
drainage angle (a network of tissue be-
tween the iris and cornea). If drainage is
impeded, intraocular pressure builds up
(a condition known as glaucoma). If the
ciliary body is damaged (as a result of
prolonged inflammation),
less fluid is produced and
the eye becomes soft.
intrauterine contracep-
tive deviceSee IUD.
intrauterine growth re-
tardation Poor growth in
a fetus, usually resulting
from a failure of the pla-
centato provide adequate
nutrients (often related to
pre-eclampsia) or some-
times from a fetal defect.
Severe maternal disease,
such as chronic kidney
failure, can reduce fetal
growth. Fetal problems
such as an intrauterine in-
fection or genetic disorder
can also impair growth.
Smoking during preg-
nancy may reduce fetal
growth and birth weight.
Intrauterine growth retar-
dationmay be suspected
on antenatalexamination;

ultrasound scanningmay be performed
to assess the problem. The underlying
cause is treated, if possible. If the baby’s
growth is slowing, induction of labouror
a caesarean sectionmay be necessary.
Most babies whose growthwas retarded
in the uterus gain weight rapidly after
delivery. However, if an intrauterine infec-
tion or genetic disorder wasthe cause,
poor growth may continue.
intravenousA term meaning within a
vein, as in intravenous infusion (slow
introduction of a substance into a vein)
and intravenous injection (rapid intro-
duction of a substance into a vein).
intravenous infusionThe slow intro-
duction, over hours or days, of fluid into
the bloodstream through a cannula (thin
plastic tube) inserted into a vein. Com-
monly known as a drip, an intravenous
injection is used to give blood (see blood
transfusion) or, more commonly, fluids
and essential salts. Other uses include
providing nutrients to people unable to
digest food(see feeding, artificial) and
the administration of certain drugs.
intravenous urographyAn X-ray pro-
cedure, commonly abbreviated to IVU,
used to give a clear image of the urinary





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