Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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body. Ketones are normal products of
fat metabolismbut are produced in ex-
cess when glucoseis not available for the
body to use as an energy source, for
example in starvation or inadequately
controlled diabetes mellitus. Symptoms
include sweet, “fruity”-smelling breath,
loss of appetite, nausea, and abdominal
pain. If the condition is not treated, it
may result in confusion, unconscious-
ness, and death. Treatment is the same
as for diabetes unless the cause is fast-
ing or starvation, in which case a
nutritious diet is usually effective.
keyhole surgeryAnother name for
minimally invasive surgery.
kidneyEither of the 2 organs that filter
the blood and excrete waste products
and excess water as urine.The kidneys
are situated at the back of the abdominal
cavity, on either side of the spine. Each
kidney is surrounded by a fibrous cap-
sule and is made up of an outer cortex
and an inner medulla.

Renal artery



Fat Renal pelvis


of nephron


adolescents and obese people. It is not
serious and usually clears up on its
own. In severe cases, applying a mixture
of salicylic acidand soft paraffin and
scrubbing with a loofah may help.
keratotomy, radialA now uncommon
procedure in which radiating incisions
are made in the cornea (up to, but not
through, its innermost layer) to reduce
myopia. Radial keratotomy has been
largely replaced by laser procedures,
such as LASIK, which carry less risk of
permanent damage to the eye.
kerionA red, boggy, pustular swelling
that develops as a reaction to a fungal
infection, usually scalp ringworm (see
tinea). The inflammation gradually sub-
sides over 6–8 weeks, but, if severe, may
leave a scar and permanent hair loss in
the affected area. Oral antifungal drugs
need to be taken for several weeks.
kernicterusA rare disorder in which
newborn, especially premature, infants
suffer brain damage because of severe
jaundice (see jaundice, neonatal).
ketamine A general anaesthetic, given
by injection. It is mainly given to chil-
dren undergoing painful procedures,
such as bone marrow biopsy. Ketamine
is often abused for its stimulant effect.
ketoacidosis A combination of acidosis
and ketosis.
ketoconazoleAn antifungal drugused
to treat fungal infectionsof the gut, skin,
and finger nails, and candidiasis (thrush)
of the mouth or vagina. It is also used
as a shampoo to treat dandruff. Adverse
effects include nausea and rash.
ketone Any of a group of chemicals
related to acetone, which is found in
solvents such as nail polish remover.
Certain ketones are produced during the
metabolismof fats. Excessive amounts
build up in the body in ketosis.
ketoprofenA type of nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug (NSAID) prescribed
as an analgesic drugfor injuries to soft
tissues, such as muscles and ligaments.
Ketoprofen also reduces joint pain and
stiffness in arthritic conditions. It may
cause abdominal pain, nausea, indiges-
tion, and increased risk of peptic ulcer.
ketosisA potentially serious condition
in which excessive amounts of chemi-
cals called ketonesaccumulate in the




Renal capsule
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