Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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margin of the eye orbit and drains on to
the conjunctiva. It secretes tears during
crying and when the eye is irritated. The
accessory gland lies within the conjunc-
tiva, and maintains the normal tear film,
secreting it directly onto the conjunctiva.
Tears drain through the lacrimal puncta,
tiny openings towards the inner ends of
the upper and lower eyelids. The puncta
are connected by narrow tubes to the lac-
rimal sac, which lies within the lacrimal
bone on the side of the nose. Leading
from the sac is the nasolacrimal duct,
which opens inside the nose.
lactase deficiencyA condition in which
there is an absence of lactase, an en-
zymethat breaks down lactose(milk
sugar), in the cells of the small intes-
tine. Lactase deficiency results in a
reduced ability to digest lactose, also
known as lactose intolerance. The condi-
tion may be permanent, or may occur
temporarily after gastroenteritis, par-
ticularly in young children. Symptoms
include abdominal cramps, bloating,
flatulence, and diarrhoea, all of which
are caused by the laxative effect of the
undigested sugar in the intestines.
Treatment is with a lactose-free diet.
lactationThe production and secretion
of breast milk (see breast-feeding).
lactic acidA weak acid that is produced
when body cells break down glucoseby
anaerobicmetabolism in order to pro-
duce energy. Lactic acid is produced by
muscles during vigorous exercise and is
one of the factors that contribute to
cramp. The acid is also produced in
body tissues when they receive insuffi-
cient oxygen due to impairment of their

labetalolA beta-blocker drug that is
used to treat hypertensionand angina
pectoris. Possible adverse effects include
indigestion, nausea, and, in rare cases,
depressionand temporary impotence.
labiaThe folds of skin of the vulvathat
protect the vaginal and urethral open-
ings. There are 2 pairs of labia. The
outer pair, the labia majora, are fleshy
folds that bear hair and contain sweat
glands. They cover the smaller, hairless
inner folds, the labia minora, which
meet to form the hood of the clitoris.
labileA term meaning unstable or likely
to undergo change.
labourSee childbirth.
labyrinthThe collective term for the
convoluted structures of the inner ear.
The first part of the labyrinth is the coch-
lea, which contains the mechanism of
hearing. Situated behind the cochlea
are 2 sacs (the saccule and the utricle)
and 3 fluid-filled semicircular canals, all
of which are concerned withbalance.
labyrinthitisInflammation of the laby-
rinth. The condition is almost always
caused by bacterial or viral infection.
Viral labyrinthitis may develop during
illnesses such as influenza. Bacterial
labyrinthitis is commonly a complica-
tion of otitis media. The main symptom
is vertigo, sometimes with nausea,
vomiting, nystagmus,tinnitus, and hear-
ing loss. Viral labyrinthitis clears up on
its own, but symptoms are relieved by
antihistamine drugs. Immediate treat-
ment with antibiotic drugsis needed for
bacterial labyrinthitis, otherwise perma-
nent deafnessor meningitismay result.
lacerationA torn, irregular wound.
lacrimal apparatusThe system that
produces and drains tears. The lacrimal
apparatus of the eye includes the main
and accessory lacrimal glands and the
nasolacrimal drainage duct. The main
gland lies just within the upper and outer









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